Hi all
I'm Jeanette, I live in Denmark..
I've been here for a while now.. But for the past 2 weeks, my home computer has been in for repairs...
I only got it home yesterday..
I just wanted to welcome you all to Catpages
This is a great site
I have 1 cat, Oliver - no specific breed - and 1 dog, Luna a chocolate labrador.
If you want to see them, I believe there are loads of pics of them both somewhere in the pic's section
Here's one from the other day:
Luna is rawfed, and these days she's having a phantom, so not eating regularly.. She didnt want her turkey thigh, so I let Oliver have a sniff and go

Normally he is kept away, while she has her RMB. Just in case...
And this pic is from the 1. of october of my Oliver: