Well this afternoon i was cleaning the rabbits out and fetched they hay for their racks, from the shed and noticed in the big bales we get from the farm there were little holes in the sack that had been nored away...well thought maybe mice but didnt think to much of it.
Anyway this evening Elsa had been sitting on the patio and wouldn't come in not even for food which was weird..so left her and eventually she came in when Clementine came home..well Elsa headed for the hallway and hopped straight up into the radiator cradle..perfectly natural Elsa habbits.
About 10 minutes ago i decided was time to put slippers on and get ready to lounge for the evening..well i put my foot in one slipper and flet something horrible and heard a CRUNCH!!
drew out my foot and it had blood on...tipped slipper upside down and out fell a field mouse
It was well and truly...disgusting!! But the best...the best was i looked over at Elsa who looked very proud of herself lol, i tell you cats...who'd have um?!?!?