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25-02-2006, 08:51 PM   #1

Thomas...and when is the time right

Thomas is my black and white boy....my first cat of my own after leaving home...he was a rescue kitten ..very bad start to his life. Anyway he is 16 now and not looking so good. I had him at the vets today for a nasty eye infection, he had a thyroid operation a few years ago and is on constant medication. The weight has dropped off him in the last six months and he is a bag of bones...I am scared to cuddle him in case he breaks...he feels so fragile. He has started to mess in the house as well...which is no problem to clean up but I know it embarrases him.

Its getting to that really difficult time...how do you know when to say goodbye. I am so worried that I do it too soon...but I don't want to leave it too late...you all know what I mean I hope. I don't want to be without him...he has seen me through so much...He is such a dignified cat....I really don't want him to lose that dignity

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25-02-2006, 08:59 PM   #2

Re: Thomas...and when is the time right

Lovely looking boy Het.

You will know when is the right time, sadly
When he reaches the point where the only possible direction is down, additional days of survival are no great achievement and could be a real trial for him.
(Spoken from one who has looked back at 2 out of my last 3 losses {the third one actually going naturally} and wished I had been brave enough, or confident of my own feeling that they had had enough, to let them go a few days earlier )
It's not easy, but it is our final responsibility and our final privilege.

Take care; we all know how you feel xx

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25-02-2006, 08:59 PM   #3

Re: Thomas...and when is the time right

Oh Het - that's such a difficult position to be in. I think maybe you should try and tune in to Thomas because I suspect he will let you know when it's 'time'. And as (I think it was) Kazz was debating over this - sooner is sometimes better than later.

Hugs to you at this difficult time.

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25-02-2006, 09:06 PM   #4

Re: Thomas...and when is the time right

Thanks DM and yola...the pic was just taken in the summer and the difference is shocking....the vet has suggested an increase in the Felimazole...will see how he does on that. I went through this a few years ago with my old springer and he told me when it was time...so I am hoping that Tome does the same....I just hope I don't let him down.

Thanks ladies. its nice to share with people who know how it feels

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25-02-2006, 09:07 PM   #5

Re: Thomas...and when is the time right

I went through this very same dilemma very recently as you will have read. Het, you will just know when the time is right. Thomas will let you know. {{{Hugs}}} thinking about you and Thomas Het x

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25-02-2006, 09:09 PM   #6

Re: Thomas...and when is the time right

Oh Het

I'm sorry.

He is a gorgeous cat..

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25-02-2006, 09:13 PM   #7

Re: Thomas...and when is the time right

Hi Het

Its a hard descision, one that no one can make for you.

You will know when its time - you really will. As someone who has made that descision recently and will have to make another I can only offer this advice the saying "better a day to soon than a day to late" is right.

Honestly when the idea comes into your head first you refuse to accept it and rebuke yourself for even thinking that. But your love for him has a way of making you see things differently - you can't draw a line and say when this happens I will do this, its the whole picture you need to look at and whats best for your beloved companion of many years - he looks from the picture a much loved and dignified cat - much like my Oscar - you know whats best for him - you don't need to ask he's your cat and trusts you, so trust yourself and do whats best for him as you always have, and always will.

Take care Karen

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25-02-2006, 09:30 PM   #8

Re: Thomas...and when is the time right

Hi het.
I wondered this for a long time about 2 years ago. We had a kitten given to us, poorly, flu, congential problems, unable to walk properly, her back legs kept giving way every few paces and she would fall over sideways. Vet said from the start we COULD pts if we wanted because of her problems, as they knew she wouldnt live as long as a normal cat. We didnt though. We hung on as long as we could for her. When it got to the point where the vet said " i think it's time" we agreed. When it had been an option but not a definite needs be we gave her love, my hubby nursed her for weeks on end, hand feeding her milk when we first got her, and medicines etc.
We didnt have any worries that we should have doon it sooner, but it was a very sad time, even though we had known from the day we got her it would happen. SHe was four months old when she went to rainbow bridge

It is a very difficult decision to make, I am sure your vets will give you guidance too and help you know when the time is right. And you will get a feeling yourself when it is the right time.

You're doing everything you can for Thomas, and I am sure he knows how much you love him.
It won't be easy but when it is the right time you will know you are doing the right thing, doing what is best for him.

I am sorry he is so poorly,and hope you can enjoy the time left you have with him, without this shadow hanging over you too much

all the best

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25-02-2006, 09:33 PM   #9

Re: Thomas...and when is the time right

Thankyou Fran and Jeanette..and Kazz. You are so right kazz..when that idea first comes into your head...you think no surely not..not yet...but what has hit me even since making this post is the difference in him since the summer. Its not time yet I am sure...I hope in my heart he has another summer in him...but if that is not to be the case then I hope I will be able to see that. I remember the first minute I saw him, and he has always been so special... I love all my animals but sometimes you have an extra special connection with one. And losing Stinky ferret is still a bit too recent.

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25-02-2006, 09:36 PM   #10

Re: Thomas...and when is the time right

Originally Posted by Het
Thankyou Fran and Jeanette..and Kazz. You are so right kazz..when that idea first comes into your head...you think no surely not..not yet...but what has hit me even since making this post is the difference in him since the summer. Its not time yet I am sure...I hope in my heart he has another summer in him...but if that is not to be the case then I hope I will be able to see that. I remember the first minute I saw him, and he has always been so special... I love all my animals but sometimes you have an extra special connection with one. And losing Stinky ferret is still a bit too recent.
You'll know - honestly don't worry enjoy him and don't mollycoddle him to much, just like you and I he still thinks he's in his prime - he doesn't realise his World is slightly smaller than it used to be - because he doesn't get about as much.

Please take care Karen

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