Well........where do i start?
Was upstairs with all three of the dogs (they were asleep whilst i was browsing on here)..am in house on my own..and heard some noise from dwonstairs..i decide to go see what it is..
So wander down..with the dogs not far behind..open the lounge door and Clementine had a pigeon..but the best part-the pigeon was still alive.
Okay so thats panic stations-i have three dogs behind me..and the cat with a live pigeon infront of me..so do i..
A) Go and shut the dogs away and then come try to rescue the bird from the jaws of death
B)Go in and try save the bird with the possibility of the dogs running a muck?
However, before i could make the choice-Ralph made it for me
the not so little ****** did a running jump at me..knocked me clearly over...all three dogs saw the bird and ran straight over me and chased the cat..who had the bird. Clem then makes way for over the back of the sofa..tearing track marks into the back of our nice leather sofa...she then did a leap over onto the window sill-the dogs ran round and knocked over a HUGE potted plant in attempt to get the bird/cat...thus spilling compost all over the lounge.
Then Clem dropped the live pigeon and it flew off around the lounge..the dogs began to bark and run around trying to catch this bird..and all three totally ignored my calls. Florrie and Ralph (aka Oaf) smashed some of my mums priceless teapots (she collects them-sad i know)..and then, we have the piesteristonce (sp)..the pigeon flew out of the open back door-and i thought YES this nightmare is over-WRONG!!
All three dogs then ran into the garden in pursuit of the bird...and the paddling pool..full of water was on the patio...so they all ran THROUGH this and got soaking..and then, then came the best...they run back into the house-bad, yes?
Not only did they run into the house, they ran through the compost from the potted plant which was all over the floor..which lead to mud EVERYWHERE
So right now...i have three rather wet, muddy and hypo dogs..a lounge that looks like an explosion/war has hit it..and phonecall saying Mum is on her way home (will be about half an hour)...Well could this night get any better?