Sweep has formed a strong, unbreakable bond in this house. A loving bond, a playful bond, a bond he never wants to go without...
A bond with Sam.
This is Sam:
Aside from the obvious problems in this feline-to-rodent romance, there's another issue... Namely... Sam would like to eat Sweep, whole. That's right, the rat would like to eat the cat.
Any number of times per day, Sweep will come into the lounge and sit like this:
He will cast yearning, loving glances at Sam and occasionally he will press his nose against the cage in hopes of a kiss... At which point Sam
charges him and attempts to bite the aforementioned nose
Sweep will recoil, hurt and confused that the love of his life would reject him so callously, and sit there staring yearningly again... Until the moment comes when he gathers up all his bravery and goes for another attempt at kissing, cuddling, getting married and having some very strange babies.
Sam appears to think Sweep would make for a
lovely meal. Sweep is undeterred, however - he's standing his ground and coming back regularly to shower Sam with affection.
Affection which will be thrown back in his face when Sam thinks he's coming too close.
Another doomed love affair in the animal kingdom. Should I ring RELATE?