vits and minerals
I have a catalouge of health supplements that I have been looking through.
I am thinking about taking:
Aloe vera tablets, says it can help digestive sytem ( I have IBS so figure this may help that) and healthy joints (? help my arthirits and stiff achey joints) and help maintain an effective immune system which I definatly need help with :->
Green tea extract, to portect body from free radicals and increase matabolism.
Kelp and alfalfa, provding all b vitmains ( b vits can help tiredness depression etc) and maintian healthy function of thyroid gland.
not sure if there are any others that may help, and I googled but cant find a herblogist near me.
I have read through the whole catalogue and thinkt hese could help me out a litle.
I did take flaxseed and omega oils once upon a time, for helping with my polycystic ovarian syndrome, but didnt see much improvemnt so didnt see the point paying over £22 a month for something i didnt feel was helping me much. Mind you, that was four years ago and rices have changed a lot since then.
I know a lot of people dont think vitmains and minerals etc do you any good, but i do!