You lot remember my aunt who took in two litters of ferret kits last year from another relative who does ferret rescue?
Well all ten are quite grown up now..all have their own charcters etc, and i managed to snap a shot of five of them..t'other lot were all asleep in hammocks and i wasn't clmibing into the mass of courts they have for all ten-its like a furt metropolis!
Some of the poley girls..
And then three of the six naughty boys-these three are in a different shed off the courts as they keep terrorising the others-need to be re-intograted SLOWLY, if it don't work these three will live their days out in their shed (they are only behind bars through choice, thats their toilet block!
There are, in total, two polecat marked jills, one albino sandy jill, one silver jilly, 2 albino sandy hobs, 1 silver hob, 1 polecat marked hob and two white bibbed polecate marked hobs-All neutered.
Both litters (one of four, the other of six) were left in two boxes (on the same night) at a relative (some sorta 4th cousin to me)'s doorstep one night, as they are a home-run ferret sanctury. Why they were dumped i shall never know!
All so sweet..and all ten (in two parties of three and then seven) go in the house to terrorise my aunts gaggle of aging cats n canines!
Hope you liked!