Ohh what an evenin!
Well....where we live, as i've said before, is an odd place...can't be said to be totally urban yet neither can it be rural! We have fields, a valley, woods and farms and country parks up one way..yet up t'other have have houses, flats, hospitals, big roads, an industrial estate etc! Well anyway...where to start on this evenings events? One of the factorys across the way over on the industrial estate caught fire..and it was fire like i'd never seen before! Smoke was so thick that everywhere was black.....cause is still unspecified..but it was some fire! Fire fighters were there a good 2 and a half hours attempting to put the fire out, apparentlly (local gossip from over the road told us) that due to some of the products and materials in the factory the fire was extremelly difficult to put out..and it was (i went too peek) pretty much a raging inferno! When it got past a certain point of trying to put it out, for safety reasons the electric supply locally had to be turned off...so that meant black out, but in our cul-de-sac no1 was told or pre-warned so literally one minute everything was just going on and the next it was black...so neighbourhood spirit, everyone rallied around to make sure nobody was left candless etc..it all went back on and was announcened safe again at about quarter past eightish...
Must say though....was a wee bit scary seeing that amount of thick black smoke and those flames...cor blimey!