Cassie came in last night about 8.00pm and I locked her catflap and put a box infront of the flap so no other cats can peer in during the night.
I got up this morning and thought it unusual that Cassie wasn't hanging around for her breakfast. When I went into the kitchen the box infront of the catflap was moved aside........and there she was miaowing and staring at me through her flap window!!
She must have pushed the box aside in the night, scratched at the 4-way catflap, managed to move aside one of the locks....and out she went.
What she didn't realise was she opened the lock for going out only and it was still locked for getting back in!!
When I opened the door she flew in......poor thing, she probably didn't sleep all night as she is very nervous
She ate a hearty breakfast.....went upstairs on one of the beds and is still asleep 6 hours later!!