Well a worrying afternoon i tell you! As you know a fair few of the relatives have taken off down the south-a sorta family crisis to sort out, these include me ma and one of my aunts (the kittens one). Well that aunt left her poor long suffering husband to look after the kids, a litter of kittens plus the rest of their ark-for an indefinate time!
And today he rang me as he was worried about one of the kittens, her eye was all sticky and closed-i thought cat flu, so asked him to come pick me up and i would have a peek. So he did, and i went over armed with an apron n some gloves (probably too cautious..) and had a peek at the sticky eyed tortie and it didn't seem cat flu like, no runny nose or sneezing just sticky eyes. So..was off to the vets with all the kittens and Megan just to be sure, i went with the long suffering uncle as he isn't too clued up on pets-he works long hours you see
Vet dispelled any ideas of cat flu, said it is conjuctivitus (sp), a course of eye drops for the infected kitten and then be on the look out for signs in the others two-vet seemed to think there was a possibility of a slight connection of why this kitten was the last (and at that, somewhat late!) one to open her eyes-could be nothing.
But all the kittens, bar the sticky eye in one, were given a check over-all well and apparentlly according to our vet the kittens are the size of four week old kittens-and considering they were just two weeks friday past then they are quite big!! Megan was checked over too-she is doing well, vets said as soon as the kittens are weaned and Megans milk dries up (of course its not just gonna happen!) she can be speyed asap. So all is good, providing Luke the super person isn't called to any more emergencies-i shall see them next on saturday, armed with camera.
I can't bloody wait for the relatives to sort out the stuff down in Dorset n get their bums back up here-would make my life a lot easier, especially concerning the long suffering uncle n this litter of kittens. I rang the aunt, well actually spoke to my ma as all the other people down there were attending a prior arrangement, and she just laughed and said-"The biggest mistake you made was helping deliver those kittens-you signed an unwritten bond as the equivellant of their fairy godmother!