Right..we've allways had dogs and cats together-usually in the multiples too, and how have they been introduced-thrown in together and let sort out their own devices. Now its allways worked-bar last time with Elsa, and look how that all ended up, but she did have 'problems' even before she came too us-so maybe that was a one off occurance? Maybe i am being a bit OTT on worrying because of the Elsa situation?
I would like your thoughts on how you would introduced Maxwell/Bella to the dogs safely, and so that he/she feels safe and sound?
I have little worries about with Clementine as it will just be done on her terms-simple, but I want it to go smoothly with the dogs-for obvious reasons. I was thinking along the lines of introducing them slowly but surely, starting off with Maxwell/Bella on my lap and the dogs on a lead and let them have a good sniff and lick (they will-i know what they are like, they shall have to check for eddibility *sp*
), or maybe trying the Kitten in crate idea and the dogs allowed, supervised, to nose around it and have a good smell and looksie from beyong the bars? Or maybe how its allways been done before and just let Maxwell/Bella slowly creep into the madness and allow them to sort themselves out?
God i've never been worried like this about getting a new baby..it sounds strange cause she
did have her issues before she came too us but i just keep thinking back to Elsa-i never want to experience anything like that again so want to make sure
nothing will go wrong-yes, I know, I really need to calm and not worry so much about it all
Your thoughts?