Brought THE best cat toy ever..
You knwot he little golf ball things with holes in and a bell in the center? Well i have lots of them for Bella/maxwell home coming and Clementine doesn't bother with them..well today i brought a giant one!! Its HUGE, same design, but HUGE with two bells thingys in the center that are probably the size of the regular sized ones you get-seriouslly, huge! Clementine has been having a ball with it tonight! And where i got this marvellous pictures from you ask?
I sound like a right cheap person now but i nipped in to get doggy poo bags (me mams instructions as its cheapest-she is away till later on tonight) the local pound store, they have a load of items that TBH i can't see the point in..but that got my attention-really is quite a marvellous toy!!
Will post some pictures when i get the chance..