I had to do something! As the weather has been worsening again over the last few days, OH and I decided we had to do something for 'our' little tortie girls. We can't have them in the house with our 3 and we can't let them in the shed as it's too crowded so we made them a shelter outside our back door
The girls have a little plastic table that they got during the summer from Tesco, so we put that there with an old heavy duvet cover that was bound for a charity shop over the top of it so it completely covers all 4 sides. Then I put an old pet basket I had in side it with some old towels to line it. And I've put food and water in side it. We did this 2 nights ago, the first night Splodge (sorry for the names) slept in it and last night she brought Stripe! I went out earlier and they both shot out to say hello to me. I went on a website which told me how to how to build a cat igloo with two polystyrene fish containers, so will be off to the local fishmonger on monday to build a proper one. I know it's not the best thing to do, but as I can't find anyone to rehome them, I couldn't just let them freeze.
Smudgley do you know of any organisations round here that will neuter them free of charge as they a re feral?