Yes, Bella is disgusting! Today was out with an uncle & cousin of mine, uncle was shooting rabbits on a peice of land that they keep horses in (i think they "rent" it off a neighbour of theirs, but that person allows them to do, pretty much, as they wish-so to speak) anyway i went along and took Ralph as he is in 'gundog' training and had yet to hear the gun, and i was told he was at the appropriate age-so took the opportunity and tagged along. Anyway, i slightly digress. Fair few rabbits shot, and the uncle is very old fashioned and insisted i took part of 'the bag'-but we don't have room in the freezer (sounds a bit disgusting to some i'm sure) but it seemed too much of a good thing to pass as these were clean of mixy (so i was informed) so my share i decided could go to one of the many aunts who has the 10 ferrets, as i know she is allways complaining about lack of meat, how much they eat etc and i know she has a chest freezer. So rang her and she said yes of course but i would have to 'take the heads off'., she has this gross fear you see-stems from when she was younger and see her ma (g-gran) chopping the head off a shot rabbit and seeing the head 'roll' (quite literally) so can't do anything involving cutting of heads (sorry i digress and some of you are probably throwing up by now!), so of course, I said yes. So did 'the job' and was tidying up and noticed there was a 'chopped head' missing
I thought at first one of the dogs had take it..but i went into the hallway and who should i see?
Of course it would be Bella finding it great fun to bat this head around and chew on the ears
She looked thoroughly disgruntled when i took it off her
See-my cat's dont even need to go hunting for themselves to indulge in such gross behaviour, they take every opportunity to do with anything dead n playful
My apologise if i made anybody gag!