I was sitting here and had just shouted up to Raechel to get her guide top on when I heard a scream and thuds. I literally flew out of the room in time to see Hayley bounce off of the second last step and hit the front door!! I swear my heart actually stopped before she started screaming. Checked there was no broken bones before moving her, Thank God there weren't, she has a bad scrape on her back and will have some smashing bruises there tomorrow and a stonker of a headache from the goose eggs on her head. Luckily Raechels guide leader is a nurse, so took Raechel and Hayley with me and she checked her over. To watch for the usual signs, vomiting, dizziness, lethargy etc and have given her some calpol. Also when she goes to sleep, give her a shake after an hour or so to make sure she rouses ok!!! Robert and I haven't stopped shaking yet