Remeber I had a lady who wanted to help me with the cats, well she never used to turn up, she came twice out of about 10 times & hasn't been in touch for ages. I am grateful for any amount of help, but I cannot be bothered with inconsiderate & unreliable people.
(she used to arrange to come then not turn up, no call or text, then phone me 2 weeks later& arrange again & not come again)
Anyway I've had a young girl contact me - she's 17 & willing to help. She doesn't drive, so vets trips are out of the question, but wants to come & socialise the kittens. Also is keen to help out when we go away. She is a short bus trip away & I am hoping that if she comes a few times & likes it, she will be able to show a few people the cats / kittens etc. Would be a great help too if she could spend time with prospective new owners, showing them the cats.
Well she's coming to see me tomorrow at 1pm. Will let you know how she gets on.