jerry goes out in the garden during the day and evening but when it starts to get dark i usually get him back in the house and lock everything up,he sits by the window or wanders round the house meowing for ages because he wants to get back out.
my oh says that im cruel and should let him out if he wants to go but im to scared hes going to wander off to far and got lost or gt "adopted"by somebody else.
Anyway jerry was still in the garden when i got back from work last night and ran up the tree as soon as he saw me
so i asked my oh to sleep on the sofa so we could keep the patio door open for him through the night which he did bless him because i was worried.
I get up this morning and call jerry..........nothing
,my oh goes and has a look and cant see him or hear him either,im panicing by this point and waving a pouch of food around like mad,telling my oh that its his fault because he didnt get him in when it started to go dark,at that we hear a little moew and both turn round and theres my little boy coming out of the shed (which my oh had already checked)he rubbed across my legs looked at us both as if to say 'what'and walked very casually back into the kitchen
,after his breakfast he went upstairs onto our bed and hasnt moved since bless him.
i think he has a hang over hes a little quiet!!!!!