I finally felt strong enough today
To phone Blue's breeder without turning into a sniveling wreck.
I was horrified by her reaction. I told her what had happened. She went and looked up her records and said that Blue's mum had died at 6 with a tumor and it's one thing that is common in boxers. We'll I knew that!!!! I didn't expect him to leave me at 4 years and 4 months!
She really didn't give a hoot.
Now I'm upset and angry. I wish I hadn't bothered but I thought I should let them know.
Should have known better. It just confirms my belief that his particular breeder can only see pound signs and is only in it for the money.
She then went on to tell me she had a litter ready to go now.....flippin cheek. Even if I wanted a dog which I dont I wouldn't go back to her!!!!!!!!!!