I am absolutely fuming at the moment! OH was due to leave the house at the same time as me this morning, so he went to get his van off of the drive first so that I could get my car out of the garage. He got halfway off the drive and I thought that the car had stalled, so waited for OH to start it up again. He was sat there for ages and wondering to myself what on earth is he doing, I went over to see, and the van wouldn't start.
The van was halfway into the road, so there was no way of leaving it there so all we could do was push it. My drive is on a slope so there was no way we could push it back onto the drive, so it was a case of pushing it to the side of the road. I can't push anything with my knee and back, but luckily there was a builder working over the road, and he helped OH to push it while I was steering.
When we had finished, OH phoned his brother straight away, who said he was coming right over to help (he lives about 15 minutes away). Now granted, the van was halfway across 2 drives, so OH knocked on their doors, and quite politely said "I'm really sorry but my van has broken down. I know it's in front of your drive but my brother is on his way and I'll get it moved as soon as possible." By which time I had gone to work as I was now running really late. The first guy was absolutely fine about it, but the second guy just went "well move it!" to which OH replied "it's broken down, I can't move it straight away but I will move it as soon as possible." Neighbours reply was "no I want it shifted now! You managed to move it off of your drive ok!" bearing in mind, I was steering and OH had help pushing, and it was a slight downwards slope. By this time the builder had gone so it was just OH on his own. There was still room for him to get his car off of the drive so it wasn't like it was stopping him from going anywhere. OH ended up pushing the van and steering on his own, while the other guy just sat in his car watching, only to drive straight off afterwards without a word of thanks.
I am so annoyed

I've a good mind to go round there and tell him what I think! There was simply no need for it. Turns out it was only the battery anyway, which was replaced in 30 minutes after OHs brother turned up.
Everybody needs good neighbours eh? I could do without them