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The Wicca Rede - Ok basically this means to follow the rede,have respect for elders,speak when spoken to and listen to others,new moon phases and seasons changing,casting cirlcles 3 times to keep unwanted negative energies out,the wiccan/pagan Sabbats.Be careful who you choose to spend your time with. Different neo pagan faiths interpret the Rede differently but the most importand part of the rede is basically interpreted the same all through neo-pagan releigions - "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will" As long as it harms none,do what you want (this includes,humans and animals) The Wiccan law of three - "Ever mind the Rule of Three, three times what thou givest returns to thee, this lesson well, thou must learn, thee only gets what thou dost earn[citation needed]." Basically becare what you wish for,what spells you cast and what you say or think about others as we believe everything comes back threefold. |
SamhainOctober 31st - (Halloween) A time to reflect on the year that has past and look forward to new things to come,it is one of our most Holy holidays.It is also known as the last harvest. On Samhain, our Mother Earth begins to prepare Herself for the long winter ahead. She settles in for Her long slumber and allows the Horned God to reign over this half of the year. Our God in turn prepares the cattle and forest animals for the winter months by protecting them with thick furs, or hiding them away for the winter. Yule,The winter Solstice December 21st - The Winter Solstice, Yule, marks the shortest day of the year and the longest night. This is the darkest part of the year and a time when the Sun God "dies".He is reborn again to begin His reign all over. From this point on, the days get longer and eventually warmer as His strength grows and matures around MidSummer. The Goddess sleeps at this time after giving birth to the Sun God. The Death of the Holly King and the Birth of the Oak King is celebrated at this time. We like to celebrate this Sabbat by making Crafts indoors and giving them as presents. We tend to follow the idea of Brotherhood and Goodwill towards Man at this time. It is a reminder to us that these were harsh times for ancient people. They had to stick together in order to survive the Winter. We set up Yule trees, symbolic of the Tree of Life, and light candles to remind us that warmer days will return and from this day forth, the nights will be getting shorter and the days longer. Imbolc February 2nd - Also known as Candlemas, this Sabbat is the re awaking of the Earth Mother so that She can return to make our lands green again. It is also a time when the Sun God is encouraged to grow in strength so that He may awaken the Goddess from Her Winter slumber. Imbolc actually means "in womb". This refers to all the Life that is laying beneath the hard frozen ground, in our Earth Mothers "womb", waiting to come forth in the Spring. It is up to the Sun God to warm the frozen ground and stir these seeds so they may blossom. In our tradition, we take this time to encourage others and ourselves. The dark Winter months tend to depress many people, and several seem to give up hope. On Imbolc we try to restore that hope in order to survive. We light candles in a variety of ways to show that there will be brighter times and hopefully to encourage that inner light within all of us to ignite and flare. Ostara March 21st - The Spring Equinox brings a time of balance. The Sun God has overtaken the darkness and day and night are of equal lengths. The Goddess, our Earth Mother, awakens from Her long slumber to replenish the Earth. We see new Life rising from the cold ground. Many Pagan customs from this Sabbat continue to this day.the Easter Egg is a common Pagan custom. Eggs have always been a symbol of fertility and used as a symbol for this holiday. They were traditionally painted red or scarlet to symbolize the Suns rays in hopes that the rays of the Sun would warm the Egg and from it would spring Life. Beltaine 1st May - Also Know as May day this Sabbat is a time of Sacred Fertility. The Goddess and the Green Man perform the Great Rite, sacred sexuality, in order to make the land lush and green. Because Maypoles are phallic symbols they are erected and danced around to celebrate the masculine aspect of this Sabbat. Many Pagans today also use a cauldron in their Maypole celebrations in order to symbolize the womb of the Goddess. Midsummer 21st June - The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year,my fave!!!The sun god is celebrated in order to ensure a large harvest.He is thanked for the Life-Giving Light that He brings. It is a time for growing strong. The harvest is coming soon and the Winter months will be harsh. These are the main Sabbatts. Thats it for know lol my fingers are acheing ![]() If you want to know anything else though just ask ![]() |
wow Erin thanks so much for taking the time to write all that. I find it really fascinating - I love how earthy it is! How many Sabbatts are there altogether and do you celebrate them all? Also, if you don't mind me asking how did you get into Wicca - did some-one introduce it to you or did you just find it? If I'm too nosey and you don't want to answer I promise I won't be offended! LOL |
There are 8 Sabbats all together Emm,The mains ones I celebrate are Yule,Summer Solstice and Samhain,I do light candles on the other sabbats but dont really celebrate them as such. I was always facinated by my sister when I was growing up,we were/are very close and she used to read out of books to me all the time,instead of the normal bed time stories my sister used to read me the Rede and I loved it. She used to show me all the different herbs and candles that were used for the different spells/sabbats etc, and I was just enchanted by it all,Ive learned pretty much every thing I know from her,even now if Im not sure of something Ill ask her. I remember one year she took me to find a log for her yule log,she found one then did a wee under the tree where she found it from ![]() ![]() We get together on the 21st of december and exchange our girfts then for Yule instead of christmas,I just love it. |
I remember one year she took me to Averbury stone circle for The Summer Solstice,it was the first time I had been and there were some Druids there dressed up in there cloaks and it terrified me lol,she asked one of them to talk to me because I thought they were evil ![]() ![]() |
I would have been scared of the druids as well ![]() Thats really nice you get on so well with your sister. Thanks again for sharing all that with me - I hope your fingers have recovered from writing it all ![]() |