So Hernie and Rhino are getting older now(Hernie is 3months 13 days, Rhino is just under 3 months) i thought i had better get some growing up piccies on here!
they are both such characters, i love them to absolute pieces. and with all my worrying about them not getting along with AJ and Raven they all love each other just as much now!
they are both very cuddly lads, im waiting for them to hit 6 months and realise its not cool to cuddle mommy anymore
Rhino is especially clingy, he is like a proper little baby. he is often curled up on our laps and when he wants food boy does he cry!
Hernie is another one that uses his voice, only his is for fuss rather then food bless him.
turn off the lights!
what you looking at?!
what did i say? grrrr
when we first got him to compare his size to a 500ml coke bottle!
this is exactly what we are greeted with when he wants food he cant have:
yay chicken!(yuck!)
im gonna kill this string mommy!
cuddle me! wahhhhhhh!
feed me! wahhhhh!
some group piccies with proof that they are all getting along just fine...
Hernie and AJ
Hernie, AJ and Raven(Rhino hopped off just as we took this
brotherly love
ooh, AJ is so comfy mommy!
and the best until last-the babies with their teddies: