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26-09-2007, 06:15 PM   #1

Not wanting to start a debate, but any advice on spaying....

As most of you will know Princess has Spina Bifida.

I am due to discuss this matter with my vet closer to the time, but I am not sure what to consider in spaying her (or not).

Cutting to the chase, the operation itself could kill her, apart from her being more rone to infections she is likely to be more affected than a 'healthy' cat by the anesthetic and also the hole in her spine is unfortunately right in line with where the operation site woud be, so any fale move could paralyse her completely or even kill her, but so could a litter of kittens, without forgetting the fact that she could pass on her deformity to any offspring. So as you can imagine this is a difficult descion to make and of course I want to make the right one for Princess.

As I have learnt from experience, keeping a cat as indoor only is not an effective was of preventing kittens. This issue however does not need to be raised here as I am only wanting to seek and advice or opinions on Princess' health, future and welfare.

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26-09-2007, 06:46 PM   #2

Re: Not wanting to start a debate, but any advice on spaying....

Normally I am very pro spaying but I agree with you that spaying would not be in your poorly kitty's best interests.

It's worth asking the vet if there is any non surgical way to make sure she doesn't fall pregnant.

If there isn't then talk it over and be guided by your vet, if you trust them, and if they think with extra care, she could come through it well then that is something to consider.

Hope you get something sorted out *hugs*

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26-09-2007, 06:54 PM   #3

Re: Not wanting to start a debate, but any advice on spaying....

I would think the "one off chance" of anything happening in a spaying op is a much better set of odds and one I would willingly take. Whereas the constant worry of her getting caught and having a litter could be ongoing. Better risk once than 100 risks through out her life. I mean if she is caught when she is 10-11 or however old a cat is when they stop having ittens her life would be more at risk.

If you could say she will never come into contact with another cat then fine but no one can really say that.

So I myself would take the surgery option, and have her spayed..

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26-09-2007, 06:57 PM   #4

Re: Not wanting to start a debate, but any advice on spaying....

I had a similar thing when Cleo was elderly she was 24 if you recall when she had the lumps removed, the risk was great as she had had previous trouble with anthestic many years before, and her age was against her but I took the risk to improve her life and that time it worked out. All the best in whatever you decide.

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26-09-2007, 07:22 PM   #5

Re: Not wanting to start a debate, but any advice on spaying....

I would risk the spay, Ill tell you why.

If she is spayed, she is in the right place with the right people, who will do everything possible to make sure she is perfectly ok, and that will be it for the rest of her life.

If you risk her getting pregnant, the kittens could kill her as you say, and the offspring thing is a major issue too of course. Would you abort? if so, you might aswell have her spayed in the first place! Would you risk her life for the sake of a litter that could be deformed? I dont think you would.

Why do you say the operation could kill her? has the Vet said that? Is it the side site you are concerned over, as she could always be spayed midline? I would also imagine an aggressive/rough Tom Cat could do her serious damage, regardless of whether she got pregnant or not.

Does she have any poo/pee problems?

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26-09-2007, 07:24 PM   #6

Re: Not wanting to start a debate, but any advice on spaying....

Thanx Kazz, I am obviously going to talk it over with my vet closer to the time as anything could change between now and then, but I think I will go for the spay, just a very hard choice to make as if she didn't make it through surgery i'd regret it for the rest of my life. But then in reality I know I cannot safeguard her from ever becoming caught, even as an indoor only cat.

I made the choice to have my rabbit spayed so as she could live with males, but despite the increased risk with rabbits I decided to go ahead and sadly she died the day after her op and I think it is a memory that is coming back now even more as the time draws nearer to make the choice for Princess.

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26-09-2007, 07:52 PM   #7

Re: Not wanting to start a debate, but any advice on spaying....

Thanx Dawn. My vet had to contact a aspecialist when she was first diagnosed with spina bifida and at the time I was told she would be more at risk from any kind of surgery, she would probably never be litter trained (although she is 100% litter trained now, she cannot hold herself for more than a few minutes on my guess, so when she needs to go she has to get there rightaway).

I was also told she will be more prone to a whole host of different infections as the spinal cord controls the immune system and I was advised against having her inocculated as she would have more than likely have reacted to it in an adverse way.

As she is more prone to infection this is one of the major concerns, not just at the site but internally.

Although more likely than a 'normal' kitten, she may or may not have a bad reaction to the anesthetic, but my main concern is that her internal organs may not be as they should be. As of yet the vet has decided it would be pointless doing a scan on her as she seems perfectly health so far (apart from the obvious) and there is nothing they can do for her condition, but due to her abnormality she would need scanning prior to her spay to make sure things are ok inside for the go ahead. Apparently it is common for cats with Spina Bifida to have their internal organs in different places, or infact enlarged or dwarfed organs. She may not have any reproductive organs at all, so it wouldn't be as simple as booking her in to get done and praying for the best. Other tests would need to be carried out first.

My own vet has been at the practice for 30 years and never seen anything like this in all her time there and so this is advice from a specialist, I myself know very little about it and can find very little information about it online. Spina Bifida is rare enough but an actual hole in the spine is even moreso, so it is hard for anyone to judge how she would react as there just doesn't seem to be enough information on it available. I will find out more when I speak to my vet.

Sorry that's a bit longwinded!

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26-09-2007, 08:04 PM   #8

Re: Not wanting to start a debate, but any advice on spaying....

I don't have any advice for you Random, as I have no idea what I'd do in your situation, but you'll have my full support no matter what you decide and I'll be thinking about you ((hugs))

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26-09-2007, 08:13 PM   #9

Re: Not wanting to start a debate, but any advice on spaying....

That is a very difficult decision and no one can make it but you. Reading the circumstances I think I'd go for the spaying despite the risks, as the alternative would be, as someone pointed out, ongoing worry about the chance of getting pregnant. How very sad for you having to face this, whatever you decide to do, I know it will be with love for Princess and the quality of her life. (((hugs))).

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26-09-2007, 08:16 PM   #10

Re: Not wanting to start a debate, but any advice on spaying....

Originally Posted by random
Thanx Kazz, I am obviously going to talk it over with my vet closer to the time as anything could change between now and then, but I think I will go for the spay, just a very hard choice to make as if she didn't make it through surgery i'd regret it for the rest of my life. But then in reality I know I cannot safeguard her from ever becoming caught, even as an indoor only cat.

I made the choice to have my rabbit spayed so as she could live with males, but despite the increased risk with rabbits I decided to go ahead and sadly she died the day after her op and I think it is a memory that is coming back now even more as the time draws nearer to make the choice for Princess.
I cannot really advise re: Princess but my gut instinct would be to go ahead with the spay. I can understand your reservations as your bunny died due to a spay. I myself keep rabbits and was terrified by two would die being neutered but they didnt. After spay deaths are rare but a good vet can help with any after surgery problems with rabbits.

As long as you are entirely happy with your vet in cat care and after op care then I would go ahead.

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