I have had such a good day that I wanted to share it.
We started a music award for the young people and it is going down a storm. They have to mix a CD, with scratching, decks, instruments, rapping, singing and a computer programme of sounds. The kids love it so much. One young lad was very apprehensive about playing the drums, but I could tell he desperately wanted to try so with mountains of encouragement he had a go and he was a natural, (the next John Bonham maybe??)
anyway he physically grew with the praise and encouragement. I do so love my job.
The children I work with have nothing. No money, no hopes, dreams, aspirations, confidence, self esteem for one reason or another
and yet they are some of the most fantastic people I have ever met who teach me so much about myself.
So I am feeling really content and humle too X
Then I went to Tesco and they had a sale on of pet toys and food etc. Denis got a 3 way crinkle tunnel £12 (can't get him out of it) and a glove with hanging mice on £1 I will post pics soon.