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Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: All black and white and tortie's
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: United kingdom
Posts: 2,228
25-07-2008, 11:14 PM   #1

Advice about Troy please

Does anybody know about deafness in cats. We found Troy under the kitchen units after seaching for him around the house for over two hours. We shouted him shook food but nothing worked until we took the bottom off it. We then sat him on our knee and clapped behind him and he didnt flinch at all. We did the same with Chester and he looked around. He never answers his to his name and never comes out of anywhere first always follows. Could he be deaf. My daughter was heartbroken that we had lost him or he had escaped she saw what happened to Kay and if he his we will keep him in as a house cat.


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