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Catsey Senior
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18-09-2008, 05:23 AM   #1

how do i change a indoor cat TO a outdoor cat?

hiya, i *might* have found a place to move that accepts cats & dogs! *yippee!*

my kitten is now 15odd weeks and *IF* and its a big *IF!* i get this place id prob move in within 3weeks-ish?

how do i 'change' my kitten from in-doors to a outdoors cat? is he young enough to get him used to it????

i know id have to keep him in for another 2/3weeks to get used to his new home.
his had his injections & will be neutered before his let out, i have a feli-away hormone thingy all ready for when i move.

is it just a case of letting him out and walk around?
or walk him round on a harness first in the garden??

do you think he will start to go to the loo in the garden instead of his box? (which would be great!)

sorry if this seems silly but when i got my other cat we kept him in for a couple of weeks then he went out so he was never a indoor cat

any tips would be helpful!!

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Catsey Senior
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18-09-2008, 10:01 AM   #2

Re: how do i change a indoor cat TO a outdoor cat?

All my cats when kittens were allowed outside - Alfie stopped using his litter tray within 2 weeks of being allowed out. They soon set their territory.

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18-09-2008, 10:12 AM   #3

Re: how do i change a indoor cat TO a outdoor cat?

my 2 have been indoor cats and out door cats, so i never really had much probs. and yes i di the old wives tale and buttered their paws. maybe its daft but made me feel better LOL
as for the litter tray i just started moving it closer and closer to the back door. then put it out by the back door. and then into the garden. then tipped the dirty litter in a spot for them do do their *biz*
it worked for my 2.
when they first went out they went on a killing spree. i was keeping a tally in the end they just went nuts. mind u they are a bit on the crazy side.
but im sure some one will more knowledge will come along and sort u out. i just go by what i did.
good luck with the move.

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18-09-2008, 12:02 PM   #4

Re: how do i change a indoor cat TO a outdoor cat?

I would definitely wait until he has been neutered and then play it by ear.......make sure you are with him when he first goes out and then bring him back in after about half an hour. You can increase the time he is out for gradually. If you let him out before he's been neutered he is more likely to roam.

My daughter's new kitten is almost 13 weeks now and her vet advised her to keep her in until she has been spayed...... that will be between the age of 5 - 6 months.

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18-09-2008, 04:45 PM   #5

Re: how do i change a indoor cat TO a outdoor cat?

Why would you want to do that? Is the place you're moving to safe for a cat to roam....little or no traffic, no loose roaming dogs/foxes, other dangers? Cats are perfectly happy to be indoors if that's all they have known.

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Catsey Senior
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18-09-2008, 05:06 PM   #6

Re: how do i change a indoor cat TO a outdoor cat?

hiya, well his only 15 weeks so thats good that he will get used to going out, as i said in the OP he will be neutered just after i move i would never let him out without having that done!!

the only reason he does not go out is that im in a apartment with no way of letting him out, io want him to be able to go out and lay on the grass sit in the sun and play with the birds lol!

no traffic, be lucky to see a car only 8 people live in the cul-de-sac, no dogs from what i see, espicalyl not Roaming dogs, most people round here have very espensive dogs, eg bulldogs/chis (cant spell it) ive never ever seen a roaming dog, or a fox for that matter, not here anyway maybe the other side of town where ive seen loads!

cant see any other dangers, more dangers where my other cat lives his now 13, lives next to a road & lots of foxes lots of cats and the best bit of his day is roaming his territory!

i mean this place has patio doors say i want them open for the day, id have to shut him up stairs or soemthing, im also getting a dog so will need to go in and out, and i want him to be able to go outside!

dont really need/want to jusitfy it but even if he just goes in the garden, which will prob be more than likely as his been raised differen tthan my other cat who wanders up and down the road and onto peoples roofs to torment the neighbours dog!! lol!

lol i heard about 'butter on there paws' trick!! haha maybe i will try it!!

what i did with my other cat when he moved in with me when i had my house was take him for a walk in a little harness round the garden and then let him out, that place had lots of trees he loved it!

anyway it might not even happen yet so its still just a *if* but *touch wood, cross fingers & do a little dance!* it will happen!

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18-09-2008, 05:21 PM   #7

Re: how do i change a indoor cat TO a outdoor cat?

Fingers crossed you get the new house xxx
As for lettting kitty out, good on you for waiting till he is neutered, so many dont. Some cats are perfectly happy being indoor cats but I think if you feel that where you move to will be a good environment for him to be let out in then go for it. Tradgedies can happen anywhere, indoors or out but lets not dwell on those.
You can try him on a harness or just have a few supervised outings in the garden and see how it goes.

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18-09-2008, 05:35 PM   #8

Re: how do i change a indoor cat TO a outdoor cat?

I think you've got it sussed! Good luck getting your new place, do hope it works out.

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Catsey Senior
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18-09-2008, 06:52 PM   #9

Re: how do i change a indoor cat TO a outdoor cat?

hiya thanks, just drove round the place, and it is soooooo nice!! no traffic at all, you only go there if you live there, am viewing the inside & garden tom so *touch wood!*

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18-09-2008, 07:05 PM   #10

Re: how do i change a indoor cat TO a outdoor cat?

Hi - you sound so excited I hope it works out. We used to take Alfie for walks round the garden in our arms when he was under 6 months - just to get him used to sights and sounds and smell his territory. Then let him down for a bit, gradually building up the time he was down. It was just a case of letting him go gradually.

I'll never forget the first time we let him go 'solo'. I ran round all the windows trying to spot where he was going. Almost chewed off my fingers waiting for him to come back.

Good luck, hope it works out for you


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