Hello all.
Its been a very busy and not so pleasant week or so here. Moosey was brilliant after his op, but just 36hrs after his anti-biotics had stopped he started sneezing! Within 24hrs, overnight really, he was a very poorly Cat with laboured breathing, nasal and eye discharge and a very crackly chest which you could hear!
The Vet said its not uncommon for Cats to develop such things when their immune system had been supressed, as in the anesthetic, but poor Moosey was a very sick Cat. Thankfully he responded well to the various drugs and within 2 days was well on the mend. So then Rowan thought he'd join in...........then Scooter, then Wiggy!!!
So 4 Cats on anti-biotics, but are all doing fine i think, Moosey and Rowan are back to normal, in fact Moosey is just bursting with energy now his teeth dont hinder him, Id forgotten how naughty he was!
I hope that Jessie and Schnapps dont come down with it, being elderly ladies, so far so good. I have never ever had a cat with a virus type thing, I suppose its like Kennel Cough in dogs, one gets it then another? Anyway, ill get round to a pic of the Moosey as I said for you, if I can catch him!!