More advice please re Max
I posted about my 16 year old cats third eye lid and small pupil and subsequent vets visit. When I got up this morning I was alarmed to find Max toppling over and falling off the work surface as he attempted to jump up in his hurry for food - as is usual I am afraid with him, he gets so hungry! He is toppling over as he walks, exactly like a cat recovering from anaesthetic and wobbly when walking til the effects wear off. He is eating and drinking plenty despite having problems balancing to get to the plate/bowl - once sitting down he seems okay sleeping. I eventually spoke to the vet I saw the other week and she advised me to wait and see how he is as he appears okay in his self. It might be ear/brain inbalance or something which can do that for a few days or a blockage in the rear legs which if it is must be mild as its a painful condition. His eye is exactly the same - maybe the third eyelid is less obvious at times he is wide awake than it was previously. It is horrible to watch him as he falls over and has hit his head a few times like getting out the litter tray, attempting to jump up on the side, even falling sideways off his cushion and hitting the fireplace. Leaving him and other older puss in the lounge tonight, less hopefully to hurt him self on than the kitchen? His back left leg appears to drag a bit as he is walking along too, its his right eye by the way. The vet suggested steroids might boost him up for a bit if no improvement or further deterioration I presume. Any advice as before, will be gratefully received and the moral support as its so sad. Thanking you Jan x