I had intended to do a "10 day" update, and Kazz reminded me it was due, so .........
Kizzy has now been with us for 10 whole days. She is still the friendly, affectionate little cat that she was the first day she came, but she is much more aware of things going on especially outside the windows. She goes into full "cat instinct mode" when she sees a bird on one of the feeders in the window. We have nearly had a bottom wiggle! She still makes soundless chatters at them. The biggest change is that she now definitely plays. Yesterday she clearly showed me that she wanted to play with her dangley mousie toy. She also plays with ping pong balls and bits of rolled up paper. We have also played mice under the bed covers and have had proper pouncing!
I am rubbish at action shots!
She is still very alarmed by people visiting the house. On Tuesday she didn't go into hiding at all all day and I thought she was over her fear, but unfortunately on Wednesday she just happened to be by the door when the poor postman arrived - and she bolted. We also had another delivery that day, so she was stressed by that and her "windy problem" evidenced how upset she was. This seems odd - she has got over her fear of footsteps inside the house and is no longer afraid of hearing me or OH walking about. She showed no fear of the thunder storm the other night nor of dogs barking at the vets. Neither did she show any fear of the vet.
Relaxing in the sunshine is better than hiding (Tuesday)
In full "Tribute to Merlin" mode
I'm ready to play!
Think I deserve a rest now, pheew!
As for her digestive problems - her poo has been firm and normal, but is more likely to be on the soft side. If she is upset, her flatulence is more marked but the granulated charcoal arrived this morning, so if she actually will eat it with her food, we should see an improvement soon.