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12-05-2009, 08:50 AM   #1

Tidy-up Tuesday

Well, we've done the washing so it's continue with the good work theme

The house needs a good tidy-up today,not to mention the backyard. For as long as the good weather lasts may as well be workish. Have to make the most of the few hours before my next shift.

It's still salad weather, so I hope all my energetic work and low calorie food will pay rewards by the weekend. Not dieting as such just keeping it healthy and avoiding sin foods.

Hope you 'll have a very constructive day

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12-05-2009, 09:25 AM   #2

Re: Tidy-up Tuesday

Very virtuous of you PP; all that spring cleaning AND healthy eating . . . I can see the halo from here
A stress-free morning for once as Sebi was angelic in the extreme but all the usual stressful stuff at work plus I seem to have to chase everyone for answers to anything these days; especially tradesmen - most frustrating.

I'm feeling . . . well, odd. The tips of my fingers on my left hand are all tingly and numb, I'm achy, have a sore throat and persistent headache - not bad enough to be ill, but enough to make me feel very woolly and detached.

Hopefully it'll pass soon. Have a nice Tuesday everyone!

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12-05-2009, 09:42 AM   #3

Re: Tidy-up Tuesday

PP - you are in virtuous mode today! Hope it continues.
Yola - how odd. Hope it 'just passes'. The nerve things in your hand may be allotment work - I often find peculiar tinglings which I can trace back to using a particular tool or performing a particular task.
Still very windy here. Despite it, yesterday turned out to be gorgeous. We have actually spent two pleaant evenings siting under the veranda till late, which is much prefereable to sitting in front of the TV till bedtime.
It's two years ago today my Dad died. Amazing how quickly time seems to pass.

Enjoy your day, everyone

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12-05-2009, 10:21 AM   #4

Re: Tidy-up Tuesday

H - a sad anniversary for you today.

You might be right about the allotment work. I did a lot of digging and turning over of soil/manure on Sunday. Tingling started in thumb and now includes index and middle finger too. I'm sure it's just my body arguing about the physical work it's being asked to do

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12-05-2009, 11:25 AM   #5

Re: Tidy-up Tuesday

A sad day for you DM - I get days when I miss my dad and he's been gone 15 years. Yesterday for example, OH and I had ordered a vegetable frame to save our raised salad bed from cats and birds and we were putting it together. The plastic connectors were dreadfully badly moulded and OH said "Your dad would have a fit!" - he was right. Dad was a toolmaker and particularly scathing about badly made bits and pieces!

Our runner beans are crying out to be planted out, but I still think it's too early. What do you think? I have them in those root trainers which do allow for good root growth, but the roots are out of the bottom of the cells already! Courgettes are in pots and can to potted on if need be.

It's very very windy here today - it was windy yesterday, but worse today and my breathing is suffering because of the low pressure. No gardening today. We did sit out on Monday evening with a glass of wine - it was glorious! I hope for many more evenings like that - perhaps a bit of bat watching?

Sorry you're feeling under the weather Yola - I would recommend eating an orange. I'm sure DM is right about your tingling hand - it sounds like a mild strain and will hopefully pass off soon.

Have a good day everyone - it's the sort of day Mary Poppins might blow in!

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12-05-2009, 01:26 PM   #6

Re: Tidy-up Tuesday

Ah yes Angie - dad/daughter relationship is a special one isn't it. I too have words of advice imprinted on my soul - measure twice, cut once, as a practical one.

Don't plant anything out now - it's too windy. They will be dessicated and dead before they have a chance to get their roots working in their new environment. I've had to give artificial respiration to two little hanging pots of viola which had got dried almost to the point of no return. A couple of hours in a bucket literally up to their necks in water and I've brought them back from the brink!

If Mary poppins comes can she come to my house please - lots of things need doing and, well, I'm in .... let's leave it till tomorrow mode.

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12-05-2009, 03:26 PM   #7

Re: Tidy-up Tuesday

I forgot to mention that I have picked the first strawberries of the year - all 5 of them! 1 monster, 3 medium and a tiddler. I shall just cut them up and pop them on some vanilla ice cream. I picked them and popped them on the dash of the car whilst I tidied up a few things outside, got back into the car and was almost overwhelmed by the amazing smell. Mmmm. You can't buy that at the supermarket.

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12-05-2009, 04:33 PM   #8

Re: Tidy-up Tuesday

A sad day, DM. My Dad's been gone 45 years now and I still miss him....but lovely about the strawberries. Yola, hope whatever it is passes soon... suspect it may have been as DM says. Angie, hope the wind dies down and it warms up a bit so you can get those beans out. I don't start mine in pots, just plant the seed outdoors, and it's been such a cool Spring I can't do it yet. PP, love the expression "sin food"; you're making me feel guilty as I got a lovely wedge of port salut cheese and am having some at lunch....but with fruit, which makes it less sinful, no?

Speaking of cool, it was only 14 C on the way to the market this morning, needed a jacket. And it rained again last night, 9 out of the last 11 days....... well, at least it's sunny!

Have a good afternoon, all!

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12-05-2009, 04:51 PM   #9

Re: Tidy-up Tuesday

Hi all

Im still in Spain, it was 28c here yesterday. Its cooler today and cloudy.

just gonna have a game of pool and then get ready to go down for tea.

Will catch up on things when I get back home on Sat.

Bye all.

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12-05-2009, 05:13 PM   #10

Re: Tidy-up Tuesday

Lovely of you to take the time to pop in and say hi Jane! Great to hear that your holiday's going well - enjoy all that sunshine won't you

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