Mike's been away all week, I was a bit annoyed as he was supposed to be on holiday with me, instead I've ended up being off, doing all the work on my own.
The hoover has broken, the washing machine has broken, even my bloomin floor mop broke in half.
I had hoped to catch up on lots of things but I hasn't worked out that way, and Pippin the pony decided not to catch last night so I spent most of the evening walking round the school hoping he would give in- finally at 9 he caught- I started at 5.30pm.
The only god thing was it has been nice weather, but it is heavy rain and strong winds today and I just don't want to go out anymore, in fact I don't want to do anything.
I've decided to take the horses in tonight ( including Pippin if he catches), i still have to feed everybody, and give the goats hay, as well as clean out 10 litter trays.
Mike gets home at 10pm tonight, and I am temped to leave things to him, but that wouldn't be fair, he better have a big bottle of wine with him!