Finding the way home
Years ago we had a cat flap as we were out at work all day. An un -neutered but very friendly Tom used to come through and leave his scent sometimes, which was awful but we liked him anyway so it was a difficult situation. Then we missed him. For a few weeks. I was telling a friend who visited quite often and was mortified to hear him say that our Tom (who we named Jupiter but heaven knows why!) had been in his car one night unknown to him he had popped out from behind the seats yowling to get out and this friend had stopped the car and let him out. About 4 miles away and it was all a heavily built up area. I was so upset I could hardly talk to this friend as I would have driven the cat back - he knew where it came from! Anyway,it was October time when Jupiter went missing and December we heard a tap tapping on the shut cat door and hooray! He had found his way home - 6 am one morning! Completely fine but famished. Think I should have cat napped him, we moved a couple of years later and had to turf him out of the removal van, he was all set to arrive with our furniture. I am sure we loved him more than his owners. Amazing that he found his way home though, bless him. Jx