For you all....
Would you keep a Cat that would only drink from a bowl if no other animal had? So you had to change the water each time he wanted a drink in case a dog or other Cat had "contaminated" it?
Would you keep a Cat that will only eat from a bowl if he had it first?
Would you keep a Cat if he meows and screams if he wants a wee but another Cat had been there before him and therefore meant he couldnt possibly go in the tray untill it was de-contaminated?
Would you keep a Cat that meows constantly untill you put the correct blanket on his bed, otherwise you BOTH have a sleepless night?
Would you keep a Cat that has 3 brands of dry Cat food down at all times, because he meows if he doesnt have the choice he requires?
And final question, does anyone want Wiggy!!!!!!!