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janey83's Avatar
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04-11-2009, 12:10 PM   #1

Very wet Wednesday!

Hey all,

I have never seen rain as wet as it was this morning.

On the way to work I had to go through 3 mini floods and they are still there now. There was also a car stuck in the middle of one!

Its nice and sunny now.

Going for a din dins with my mum in a bit.

Have fun all.

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yola's Avatar
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04-11-2009, 12:40 PM   #2

Re: Very wet Wednesday!

It's dry here but less sunny that it was earlier this morning. I read there was a mini hurricane in Hampshire, thankfully by the sounds of it it missed both MrsH and Angie. Scary though

Poor Balie had both a vomit and bottom explosion in the night. I can deal with that (even wiping it up of the floor), what I'm struggling to deal with is OH's viciously rude, spiteful and nasty reaction which had me in tears at 1am today Horrid man. Am feeling decidedly down today as a result.

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MrsH's Avatar
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04-11-2009, 01:40 PM   #3

Re: Very wet Wednesday!

Yola - Sorry that you've had to put up with a "man in a mood" they can be so insensitive at times. Hope Balie's feeling a bit better by now too.

Yes, the mini tornado of yesterday completely missed us but I know of a cocker owner in the New Forest who had a couple of sheets of corrugated iron torn off their large out-building/workshop

The rain of the last few days has brought loads of fungi up in the woods I particularly like the large, slightly concave , purple-headed ones. Must look them up but would never dream of picking any!

It's a beautiful sunny afternoon now, I hope you can all enjoy the weather where you are.

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angieh's Avatar
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04-11-2009, 01:46 PM   #4

Re: Very wet Wednesday!

Hurricanes hardly ever happen in Hampshire! (I'm going to have an ear worm for the rest of the day!!!) No, certainly nothing here on the coast, luckily. It has been beautiful here, chilly, but sunny and a bit of a breeze. It's clouding over now and I must remember to go and get the door mat off the line before it rains. There must be some atmospheric disturbance however still around - both MIL and Pip haven't been able to settle at all this morning. MIL has been very confused and upset and Pip just can't sit still.

OH got soaked playing golf yesterday, but had his best round ever - so came home a happy bunny. I am so sorry to hear that your OH is being horrid Yola and also sorry about Balie - is it IBS? I forget if you got a definitive diagnosis from your vet.

Have done some filing this morning - it's a joy now I have my new filing cabinet and loads of room. Now just have to sort the "to do" pile and get on with the work that bounced off the satellite from Italy yesterday.

Hope to see folks at the quiz tonight - calismum is quiz mistress. I have physio gym before that but will pop in and out during the afternoon before I go.

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pinklizzy's Avatar
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04-11-2009, 03:45 PM   #5

Re: Very wet Wednesday!

Hello all
I'm sneaking online during a rare quiet moment at work-all the computers have crashed so we're having a cuppa while waiting for the engineer to call back!
Thank you all for your kind messages, it was a huge shock but we're coping ok. Trying to keep busy with work and diy-Imogen got up the chimney on Monday and is still looking decidedly black She loves having so much space though and isn't searching for Kindly as much so I think she's settling ok.
Hope you're feeling a bit better Yola ((hugs))
Keep dry everyone!

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dandysmom's Avatar
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04-11-2009, 05:12 PM   #6

Re: Very wet Wednesday!

Brilliant sun here although a bit nippy at 9 degrees. Clouds and rain predicted for the afternoon, we've had enough of that lately! But no frost yet; pot plants are still outside and I have one last bud on one of the roses. Did the usual market run, nothing new happening.

MrsH we have mushrooms galore sprouting too. There was a huge one by the side of the house, was going to take a pic but the wretched squirrel had eaten half of it when I went out with the camera!!~ Glad the hurricane spared our Hampshire friends. Yola, I'm so sorry OH is such an unsympathetic creature ... Poor Bailie, sending healing vibes. Imogen up the chimney...

Hope some can join the quiz tonight, always fun!

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04-11-2009, 06:41 PM   #7

Re: Very wet Wednesday!

Mornin' all!
Well, I slept in yesterday till 4pm so I have not rested since (it's 9:35am now). I am debating whether to stay up and get things done and just take a nap and chance the grumpies later or pop a sleep aid and get a good five or six hours sleep and then proceed with the day.
I am in a chipper mood as there is gas in my car and food in the fridge (payday yesterday!) and vet bills paid off, etc.
I wanted to try to repay the world for my good fortune with the ferrets getting over their illness and decided to use some money to boost my karma points and donated to breast cancer research, and two ferret shelters...and I bought a Christmas gift for the ferret I am sponsoring off the Giving Tree. I think I will send him another package next month as well
Here is his bio if you feel like reading, isn't he a gem?
I ordered him a handmade bed that will be decorated with Christmas penguins and a crocheted egg toy. He will prob get it next week so I think that'll just be his early gift. I want him to have something to open on Christmas day as well. He is only a few hours drive from me. I think that's pretty neat. Maybe they will send me a pic of him in his new bed
I am feeling better, coughed up most of the gunk in my lungs and am definitely on the mend. Got my appetite back and I took it out on our leftover Halloween candy..it didn't stand a chance
Hope you all have a wonderful day.

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04-11-2009, 08:48 PM   #8

Re: Very wet Wednesday!

Glad to hear things are taking turn for the better finally! That's one lucky ferret you're sponsoring.

How's the possum?

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