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12-12-2009, 02:46 PM   #1

Silent Saturday

Well you lot are awfuly quiet....I've been out come back (hence why I am here ) and hardly a word has been written.....come on buck up the gang.

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12-12-2009, 02:56 PM   #2

Re: Silent Saturday

Well what have I been up to, lots of bits of nothing actually.I have popped to the butchers and got tomorrow lunch, roast pork. Been into sainsburys and got some bits and pieces mainly my "taste the difference" rum and rasin ice cream...yummy, and my luxury treat.Popped in and got my eyebrows threaded, tonight is the works Christmas do, so be off soon to get ready.Took Sal a nice walk and had got plans to decorate the tree but seem to have run out of time I have the tree down and lights on....so halfway there. Did that before I went out, in case lights did not work. (did anyone notice that bit of forward planning good for me eh? ) Have a good idea what I am wearing, and as I don't drink I am picking up a couple of people to take to the do so will be going out about 6.30pm the meal starts at 7.30pm. Have a list of things to do, walk Sal again,...joy of a dog owner, have a shower hair, makeup, clothes.So what have you done today?

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12-12-2009, 04:14 PM   #3

Re: Silent Saturday

Compared to you Kazz - very little! You are such a busy bee - I really hope you enjoy your works "do" - bet you'll have a wonderful time.

Finished off MIL's laundry - all dry, aired, folded and put away for another week. Then, well - OH and I nearly became statues with surprise - his brother turned up out of the blue - I don't remember when we (or his mother) saw him last, OH says last Christmas but I think it was more likely the one before that. Any apologies for staying away so long???? Absolutely not. He is just the same as always, skin thick as a rhino. Anyway, not my flesh and blood - so I don't care apart from the fact that I'll have OH and MIL simmering for a week or so.

Fed the birds - that's it really! Christmas cards now ..........

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pinklizzy's Avatar
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12-12-2009, 04:44 PM   #4

Re: Silent Saturday

Hi Kazz and Angie,
I've been busy out and about today-went to get our tree this morning. We were able to choose and cut down our own which I've never done before. It's now outside in a bucket of water (following MrsH's advice!)
Then did some of my food shopping in the market and walked to the garden centre (about a mile) to get some moss. I'm going to try and make a wreath for the door later on.
Hopefully I can finish my Christmas shopping tomorrow, then just got to wrap everything!
Also going to go to a carol concert in aid of macmillan tonight.

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12-12-2009, 05:16 PM   #5

Re: Silent Saturday

Hi all. Sunny but still very chilly, 0 (33 F), wind chill -4. I'm feeling a bit under the weather so decided to skip the library and stay in where it's warm; don't think Leia is feeling too well either as she had two rather loose movements and didn't eat all her breakfast this morning...??? Oh, just as I typed that she went back to her plate!! Just paid some bills and am determined to make myself start cards this afternoon, cannot get in the mood. Anyhow, that's all from Washington.

Have a good time tonight Kazz, annoying about BIL, Angie. Hope you enjoy the concert, PL!

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12-12-2009, 05:41 PM   #6

Re: Silent Saturday

Angie you can choose your friends not your family.....

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12-12-2009, 05:43 PM   #7

Re: Silent Saturday

I've been making pate today, did a chicken liver one and a smoked mackerel one, both for the freezer. I've never frozen pate before so I hope it will be ok! We still don't know who, or how many will be here at some point over the holidays so I need to make sure there is some stuff to feed whoever might arrive. I've also made about 2 gallons (well a lot anyway) of beef ragu which is cooling now, then I can freeze that too.

Battery flat, gotta go!

Back again, plugged into the mains!

OH has picked the last of the holly berries (the birds got all the rest) and some variegated holly from the garden to add to a rather plain and cheap wreath for the front door. The miniature tree is on the hall table, the almond paste is made and we've got carols playing in the kitchen, (Johnny Mathis "Mary's Boy Child" at the moment) still haven't done the cards though!

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" playing now!

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12-12-2009, 06:29 PM   #8

Re: Silent Saturday

Originally Posted by MrsH
I've been making pate today, did a chicken liver one and a smoked mackerel one, both for the freezer. I've never frozen pate before so I hope it will be ok! We still don't know who, or how many will be here at some point over the holidays so I need to make sure there is some stuff to feed whoever might arrive. I've also made about 2 gallons (well a lot anyway) of beef ragu which is cooling now, then I can freeze that too.

Battery flat, gotta go!

Back again, plugged into the mains!

OH has picked the last of the holly berries (the birds got all the rest) and some variegated holly from the garden to add to a rather plain and cheap wreath for the front door. The miniature tree is on the hall table, the almond paste is made and we've got carols playing in the kitchen, (Johnny Mathis "Mary's Boy Child" at the moment) still haven't done the cards though!
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" playing now!
I can sense the lovely atmosphere in your house, MrsH

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12-12-2009, 06:52 PM   #9

Re: Silent Saturday

Am up and caffeinating. Here is where I'm going today. I'm determined to get a picture with Moses the camel!!
After that, K must go into work again and help his boss with some things (the joys of having ur boss live across the street from u!!) so I will probably just relax and wrap Xmas prezzies. And I must clean that godawful kitchen! I never got around to it yesterday because I went to run a quick errand that turned out to be a few hour excusrsion and then K came home from work and wanted to do some shopping and by then I was spent.
I am taking my camera and hoping I get good pics of our farm trip today. Have I mentioned I've been wanting to go to this place for almost four years now?!!
Hope you all are having a good one.

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12-12-2009, 07:43 PM   #10

Re: Silent Saturday

Picked up our siamese kitten

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