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15-12-2009, 09:19 AM   #1

Tin-tacks Tuesday

Up a bit earlier this morning, as Master Pip is to the vet for his snip today. I have a fairly busy day and am glad of it as it will help to keep my mind off it! Can't wait for the call to go and pick him up ............. even straightforward things can get us worried, can't they? Rescue Remedy to hand.

Surprisingly no frost this morning - beautiful sunrise.

Will pop in later no doubt. Have a good day everyone.

Hope your aunt is comfy Yola.

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15-12-2009, 10:50 AM   #2

Re: Tin-tacks Tuesday


Have I missed something about Yola's aunt...I will try to catch up.

Angie he will be fine its you that needs to keep occupied, is he free to come and go after this then..... doesn't sem a moment since he was a bundle of fluff...how time flies.

I have bits and pieces to do so see you all later.

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15-12-2009, 12:05 PM   #3

Re: Tin-tacks Tuesday

Hi All, have not been on for over a week so I have some catching up to do, I have been in bed with the dreaded "FLU" have never felt so ill in my life, have so much to catch up on in preperations for Cristmas but I am trying not to over do things I am still not flying on full cylinders as they say and I don`t want to get ill again.

Angie, I am sure Pip will be fine and will be back home soon causing you all sorts of mischief , just to pay you back for losing his "furry dice".

Have a great day all Pauline, M&M .

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15-12-2009, 12:29 PM   #4

Re: Tin-tacks Tuesday

Angie - hugs to poor pip-less Pip . . . I'm sure he'll be fine

Pauline - sorry you've been feeling so unwell. It can take a while to get over flu . . . take it easy for a bit.

Here the weather is cold and dark grey. I need to pop to the village to see if my poor (not very old) boots which are falling apart can be repaired otherwise it'll be a barney with House of Fraser for a replacement. Need to send some Bare Essencuals pressie stuff back as I over-ordered and get some LUNCH (am already starving ).

Dominik and Sebi are at Holiday Care at their school; Domi's been taken bowling with Sebi going to an indoor play area tomorrow - glad they're being kept busy

Spoke to the care home and my Aunt's due to return from hospital tomorrow. That's great news as obviously she's been stabilised - Karen, she was taken to hospital with suspected pneumonia - and as she's quite frail that's not good news. I'll be popping down to Devon between Christmas and New Year to see her.

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15-12-2009, 12:37 PM   #5

Re: Tin-tacks Tuesday

I've got such a sore arm after yesterday's swine flu jab, feeling really sorry for myself! It's red, lumpy and hot at the site of the needle, the nurse warned me that this booster shot would be a bit more trouble than the first one, she was right!

This evening I'm out with my former colleagues for a Christmas get-together, the head of dept is making a chilli and the rest of us are bringing things, nibbles, wine etc. I'm taking a dessert, probably profiteroles or a chocolate cheesecake, can't decide which. A good evening to look forward to, catch up on the gossip.

Boring things to do here, the washing machine is on and I really need to clean some windows (I don't mean that I have a desire to clean them, just that they desperately need cleaning! )

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angieh's Avatar
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15-12-2009, 01:43 PM   #6

Re: Tin-tacks Tuesday

Sorry you've been poorly Leesy - do take it slowly. Hope your two fluffs have been making good nurses!

Also sorry about your sore arm, MrsH - seems to be par for the course. Years ago, we would have taken it as a good sign because the jab has "taken" and you won't get the 'flu!

Good news about your aunt, Yola.

I've been to the surgery for more blood tests this morning. One arm had no blood, but the other did, so that's now been emptied! Nurse and I put it down to the cold weather. It is bitter isn't it - must be the damp as well as the cold.

The house seems really empty without Pip rushing around, getting under the feet and miaowing. He was weighed and is 3.7 kilos! Was 1.5 last time he was at the vet ..... he has grown so much. He should be ready to come home any time after 2.00 and as I'm going out to tea this afternoon (proper tea with delicate sandwiches!), OH will go and pick him up.

I'll let you all know later that he's home .............. anxious mum, can you tell????

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15-12-2009, 01:58 PM   #7

Re: Tin-tacks Tuesday

Pauline I sympathise, its a devilof a bug to get rid of,lingering here now almost a week. Angie,love n hugs to Pip after the op from me & madam. Sure, he'll be fine. Mrs H,have a good lunch with your ex-colleagues. Yola,have a safe trip to Devon, hope your aunt is well.

Drizzling here today, not nice at all, off to Tom's Christmas Carol service at 6pm. Have wrapping to do and neighbours cards to deliver. Take care.x

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15-12-2009, 05:42 PM   #8

Re: Tin-tacks Tuesday

Milder today, 10 (52 F) and th fog is burning off nicely; quite heavy earlier, could only see about a half block. This is the warmest it's been since November 30th; Arctic blast coming tomorrow so I'll be grumbling. Was to the other market for Ms Picktys food, got gin, going to do more cards this afternoon.

Yola, glad to hear about your aunt. Angie, enjoy the tea, dear little Pip will be fine, I know; we can't help but worry though .... did you do the chocolate cheesecake, MrsH? Sounds yummy! Pauline, take care, don't overdo; flu is so awful. Hi, PP and Kazz!

Stay warm!

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15-12-2009, 05:43 PM   #9

Re: Tin-tacks Tuesday

Milder today, 10 (52 F) and th fog is burning off nicely; quite heavy earlier, could only see about a half block. This is the warmest it's been since November 30th; Arctic blast coming tomorrow so I'll be grumbling. Was to the other market for Ms Pickys food, got gin, going to do more cards this afternoon.

Yola, glad to hear about your aunt. Angie, enjoy the tea, dear little Pip will be fine, I know; we can't help but worry though .... did you do the chocolate cheesecake, MrsH? Sounds yummy! Pauline, take care, don't overdo; flu is so awful. Hi, PP and Kazz!

Stay warm!

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15-12-2009, 06:03 PM   #10

Re: Tin-tacks Tuesday

I'm home - had a lovely tea and Pip is home too. Seems absolutely fine. "Keep you pet warm and quiet" yeah, right!!! He was climbing the bookshelves just now, but has settled down hopefully for a little snooze. Has eaten a few biccies.

I had mulled wine, dainty sandwiches, scone with jam and cream, chocolate brownie and fruit cake plus numerous cups of tea. Brought home the mince pie and another chocolate brownie for OH. I'm so full that I won't be eating any supper!!!!

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