My favorite quote
from my favorite author...
(Me and K's mother were talking last night about how some people think it is "sad" for a woman to not bear children and how if they care for animals they are merely trying to "substitute". That has always bothered me and this quote came to mind and I thought I'd share with you)
“… in the last analysis it seems to me almost sacrilegious; an expression of opinion that, in making some of us love animals, God has been in grievous error. Since they have been put here, and man’s uncontrolled, unconcerned swarming has made existence for anything else on earth nearly impossible without his help, obviously someone must take care of the animals. Those of us who do, in large part or small, are merely an essential part of an immensely complex whole. To question our function is to discredit all creation.”
Era Zistel, The Gentle People