It probably is more cost effective to buy plants; but I like doing them from seed as you can get varieties that aren't carried at the garden centres. And it's fun to see the first little leaves emerging from the soil in their tiny pots. I hate to waste seed too; wish they would offer mini-packs for people who are just planting a small bed, not an allotment. Speaking of seed, I'll post a list of what unused seed I have in March at planting time; anyone who'd like them just PM me and I'll gladly mail to you.
This year I'm doing Super Marmande tomatoes again as they usually do well for me and aren't too large...I don't care for the huge beefsteak varieties. Basil will be Genoa, hot peppers Thai hot. I do onions by planting some of the scallions with roots from the market; impossible to buy just a few onion sets.!
Am still dithering about flowers: will definitely have cactus flowered zinnias. French marigolds and nasturtiums. I'd love to try wallflowers but they, like delphiniums, don't like our hot humid Summers. The larkspur and portulaca reseed themselves. Am thinking of gerbera daisies and spider mums, but there isn't much room! Decisions, decisions ....