Just thought I'd update on all the kids!
Baby Bear is still a sweet hunk of a weasel. He has a little bump on his lip that we are gonna get checked out when Lainey goes in for her vaccines this month. It's right where his snaggletooth rests and we talked about how in the future that tooth might need to get shaved down if it got irritated and well it looks like it is growing and discolored although he doesn't act like it bothers him a bit but of course I worry about infection and long term so we are gonna get the little man checked out for that and see what the game plan is. He's my little Elvis baby, lol.
Monkey's a little peach though he scared the bejeebers out of me the other day. I was carrying them back to their room and I think Annie was playful and biting him and he was confined in my arms so he just totally started freaking out while we were walking down the hall and i felt him trying to slip out of my arms and there were dogs below so i slammed myself into the first open door i saw and kicked it closed so i could set him loose and see what on earth was going on. I landed on my hip and let him free while holding the other three securely and he danced around and screamed bloody murder. K came in to check on us and MoMo lunged at his hands like "Don't you even touch me!"

which is really weird for my gentle baby man, went over him with a fine tooth comb after and I didn't notice any injuries so I think he was just angry with the baby, lol. He's a good little boy though, I let him out sometimes with Cooper so the old man can have some weasely company and MoMo is my most gentle polite boy and it's really cute watching him teach Cooper how to play. I think Winnie had been sick for so long that it's been ages since Cooper had a playmate.
Cooper is doing relatively well considering he just lost his cagemate. Honestly I think he knew it all along as I saw him become more independent in her final days. And she never did play so she was more of a cuddle partner. I'm still watching him closely for depression but so far so good. I really don't think he will integrate with my group at least not for a long while if ever but that is okay because he seems content to be my special reading partner and he's also taken a liking to my cat Kuan Yin and she likes how mellow he is and that he doesn't try to nip her feets like the other brats, lol. Another thing about Cooper is he really loves his Martins pen, he will ask to go back inside and will roll around and play with the toys, he really loves those jingle toys my friend makes. He alternates chewing kibble and then death shaking that toy, he can't do one without the other silly boy. He's so great with people, one thing I did find though is you do not play with him with your appendages under a blanket. He equates that with stuffies which he demolishes and have gotten a tooth in the fingernail and toenail that way

so everything is above blankets when Cooper is out because he doesn't realize to not bite hard if he doesn't see/feel your skin which was my fault really so who can blame him.
Lainey is really funny. This girl, me and her are really bonding lately..it only took over a year, haha! But so worth it, she has a lot of idiosyncracies but once you get those all down she is a breeze. I rather like I am the only one who knows all her weird traits and the only one who can handle her safely and kiss on the mouth without a nip. A lot of work went into earning that respect and she's finally learned how to play with me and not actually bite down she only places her teeth on me no pressure so that is a HUGE step b/c she really had no idea before how hard was too hard. Sure she's not going to be a ferret ambassador anytime soon and I daren't let anyone hold her but she's my little psycho and I love her. She walks all around Cooper's pen dooking and poofing the little monster. I think it's just a sensory overstimulation with her and Cooper b/c they are both not descented. She will scream and attack if there isn't a wall between them so I never let them out at the same time but when there is a wall she just giggles and chatters forever. Oh Lainey, you're so weird
And Annie. My sweet precious Annie is still the apple of my eye, my little baby girl full of love. She gets sillier everyday. I swear she came out of the womb dooking. If she's awake it's just a constant running commentary about how great everything is

. She's a blast. And has started making out with Cooper between the bars that seperate them. If he takes a drink of water she goes nuts causing a fuss till he walks over and kisses her (this is what she does with all the others so I guess she wants him included) and she will settle down..until he takes his next drink of water. She is just the sweetest baby ever.