Originally Posted by trick
Thats really sad. It amazes me how people can just give up on a supposedly once loved pet, in my local vets there is an ad for a 10 year old cat to find new home as it doesn't get on with their new puppy! People are so fickle
We had a pair earlier on this year at our Cats Protection, they [the owners that is] had bought a dog and the cats (it was a pair) did not get on with them! They were getting stressed, spraying and peeing everywhere in the house. They had a feline behavioural specialist in the end, who firmly told them that the dog was the problem, and that they should strongly rehome the dog! Instead they fed them zylkene, which did not help much, so in the end the woman got in touch with us, and of course they came to us. The sad thing is that they were both ten years old & the woman had them as 6 week old kittens, whereas she had the dog only 6 months! However once in the shelter they showed no signs of stress (well apart from the first 3 days which is understandable), never fed them zylkene, and they were there a month before they got rehomed. Seems that people seem to value their new dog first when the cat(s) have been there first (and usually been there years) & sadly it is the cats that seem to go rather than the dog when things go wrong!