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Squirrel's Avatar
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25-01-2011, 07:58 AM   #1

Early start Tuesday....

Or here it is anyway. Been up since 6, cause I've got to get to work by public transport, and it's one of the most Awkward places to get to if you've not got a car! Still, should get there soon after 9, so... And hopefully the car will pass it's MOT by the end of the day (that's the aim anyway!).

Of course, in the typical's, I had to wait in at my parents for a package pick up which never happened yesterday...

Cloud almost pounced at her reflection again this morning - thought she was going to, but then she changed her mind...

As for the pics/music, well, have accepted it. I will get in touch with my brother - who works in computers/software so there's a chance he knows how to rescue it.

Now the only question is... do I walk the almost 2 miles from the bus station to my first destination of the day, or take a taxi... I'm really too independent to like the idea of a taxi, and I love walking - when I've somewhere to walk to in particular, but...

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MrsH's Avatar
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25-01-2011, 11:14 AM   #2

Re: Early start Tuesday....

Morning Squirrel, it's a real pain trying to manage without a car when you're used to it. In our area public transport is not a good option, there's a good train service to London but local bus services are not that frequent or comprehensive.

Had an early morning appointment at the dentist's this morning as I've broken a tooth. He confirmed what I realised myself, another crown! He patched it up today and I'll be back in a couple of weeks for the crown to be fitted, bad news is it'll be £450 still he's a very good dentist and I've been with him since we moved here 30 years ago. Don't know what I'll do when he fully retires, he only works a couple of days a week now as it is.

Enjoy your Tuesday everyone!

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25-01-2011, 11:29 AM   #3

Re: Early start Tuesday....

Morning Kate, MrsH and all to follow.
Hope your car passes the mot, it's a relief once you get it back, isn't it.
Poor you MrsH, i hate going to the dentist and having to pay adds insult to injury.
Miserable wet day here, not taking Malaika out yet as neither of us does heavy rain but must admit she's driving me mad.
Going to try and get on with some ironing now.

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25-01-2011, 02:55 PM   #4

Re: Early start Tuesday....

Morning, all
Classical music, coffee, and fireplace..all the little ones and not so little (K and the dogs) are all still sleeping soundly. I can't decide if I want to go back to bed or not..but I'm having coffee so probably not anytime soon
Doctor went just fine yesterday (other than I gained a LOT more weight than I thought I had ); She was very nice and didn't seem too concerned about my chest pain as heart and lungs sounded fine and she thinks with the recent quitting of smoking (day 11 now) that there may have been a liquid buildup (which I guess is common when you smoke?) that is now resolving itself and most likely it's benign seeing as it doesn't last for long stretches and mostly when I am taking a deep breath.
Bloodwork got done, no wait at all. I love when there is no line. This facility is not only more convenient in driving distance but also has the luxury of laboratory and pharmacy all in the same building..whoever thought of that I could just hug!
I had been fasting for the labs and was famished afterwards. Came out to have lunch waiting for me in the car as K got something for me while I was being seen--very happy about that!
My Barnes & Noble order should be arriving today..I think I've got 5 books showing up from them. I'll be like a kid on Christmas!!!
All my appts. done for the month, will very much appreciate just lazing around. It's been pretty soggy here but the temps have not been bad at all.
Have a good day, all!~

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25-01-2011, 05:33 PM   #5

Re: Early start Tuesday....

Hi all, those to follow. Woo hoo, Arctic air is in a one day retreat North; it was above freezing for the first time in days when I got up: 1 C, is up to 2 now and may make 8 by afternoon! I can finally get the trash and recycling out that's been piling up; just been too bitter to go outside. Mix of snow/sleet/rain tomorrow, but still not the bitter cold; can live with that. As usual, the weather's all my news.

Kate, hope your brother can do something about the pics.... Eeek about the tooth, MtsH! Shelley, hope the rain lets up so you can walk. Tink, glad all went well yesterday, and how convenient having everything together in one building.

Hope our unheard-from regulars are well; take care, everyone.

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Squirrel's Avatar
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25-01-2011, 06:20 PM   #6

Re: Early start Tuesday....

Hi all... Car got its exhaust fixed today, but they needed to order a part to sort out the fog light, and as it's today the MOT runs out. it'll be tomorrow afternoon I get it back at earliest. And my second most difficult day (cause have done it before!) on public transport. If I'm like that the rest of the week it'll be more or less OK (only more or less, cause if I miss the first bus it's almost 2 hours til the next...) as I'm purely office based...

Right now I'm at parents, going to put the evening meal in, and will hopefully be ferried home again by Dad between 6 and 7 - so at least home earlier than last night...

Sorry to hear about the tooth MrsH. Hope that Malaika calmed down for you eventually Shelley, Tink, you sure you didn't want/need a bit more sleep??!? Glad all went OK yest though. And Good hearing you've slightly more reasonable weather Eileen.

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25-01-2011, 07:09 PM   #7

Re: Early start Tuesday....

Evening all - busy day at work today I will be glad when all of the tax returns are completed and filed, clients still bringing in their accounts for us to do today, we try and get them done by the deadline.

Going to have a nice relaxing evening - dinner is meatballs with fresh pasta, and watch Silent Witness.

Have a good evening all.

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pamela81's Avatar
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25-01-2011, 07:43 PM   #8

Re: Early start Tuesday....

evening everyone, thanks for the good wishes with my interview. Had it this morn so fingers crossed. We are havin a relaxing night tonight, im home-making a lasanga so hers hoping its nice

hope you all have a nice night xx

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25-01-2011, 08:17 PM   #9

Re: Early start Tuesday....

Happy Burns night fellow Scots and happy Tuesday to everyone else. I've just had a Scotch pie - how patriotic.
I, like EmmaG will be watching Silent Witness tonight though I have to say, they are making Budapest look much rougher than it really is. Is harry really dead : O

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Tink's Avatar
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25-01-2011, 11:56 PM   #10

Re: Early start Tuesday....

Well, I am officially sick. Stuffed up, sore throat, earache.
Was fine at the doc yesterday.
I blame the couple who came in with sneezing, sick child and of all the places to sit in the waiting room, sat RIGHT next to me.
Chicken soup.
Will read books in bed.

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