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27-05-2011, 10:53 PM   #1

AQnother client and another crappy end to the week

I have a client, who can be a pain in the neck if truth be told. How ever the cat is a lovely old black and white boy.
When she called to book this time, I refered her to my sister as she lives closer than I do. There was the usual carry one about collecting keys etc, which is why she is a pain. Client told my sister that the cat had lost a little weight but it was nothing to worry about. My sister said the cat didnt look to bad but on arriving this morning and stroking the cat, she said she could feel all it's vertibrae. I told her that I would come with her this evening to see it.
Sure enough, the dear cat was YOWLING like mad and it painfully thin, devouring food like there's no tomorrow.
I'm guessing that many of you are thinking the same as I thought, over active thyroid...
I called the owner and have asked her to arrange for the cat to see the vet asap (her daughter can deal with that side of things). She asked if it could wait till she got home next week. I had to tell her that I wasnt comfortable with that at all and would rather it was seen as soon as. She told me that she knew of the condition in humans and that it made them hyper active and the cat wasnt hyper active so it couldnt be a hyper active thyroid, she also told me that as cats get older they eat alot more .
TBH she was driving me mad, kept talking over the top of me when I was trying to explain my point, politely, that the cat should have seen a vet before it was left in our care and that we cannt be held responsible should anything happen.
Not too sure where we go from here. Am hoping her daughter calls me tomorrow to tell me that the cat is booked into see the vet but if not.....
I dont know what else I can do to help the cat as the owner said that she knows he is old and should he die, well I guess that's that.
I despair sometimes, I really do.

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27-05-2011, 11:01 PM   #2

Re: AQnother client and another crappy end to the week

Get him to the vet. Pills can help. I have recently lost a cat to hypothyroidism. It isnt nice.

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27-05-2011, 11:01 PM   #3

Re: AQnother client and another crappy end to the week

Sorry Elaine She just didn't want to hear it, did she? Kinda of like she's made up her mind she's done enough and that is that. I see what a dilemna that puts you in. I don't think I could do your work. Hugs for you..

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27-05-2011, 11:04 PM   #4

Re: AQnother client and another crappy end to the week

Do you have a form for owners to sign when they leave cats in your care? Make sure the wording includes a clause that you will take the animal to the vet if it is deamed necessary, and the vet costs and transport costs will be met by the owner.

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27-05-2011, 11:08 PM   #5

Re: AQnother client and another crappy end to the week

That to me is cruelty, if that poor cat needs the vet, she should take him!!!Patxxxx

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Elaine's Avatar
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27-05-2011, 11:09 PM   #6

Re: AQnother client and another crappy end to the week

Originally Posted by FarplaceRescue
Get him to the vet. Pills can help. I have recently lost a cat to hypothyroidism. It isnt nice.
The daughter is supposed to be calling me tomorrow about vets appointment, as it's not my cat I have to wait to hear from her before I decide my next course of action. I am aware that pills can help stabalise the condition and have explained the situation to the owner.

Originally Posted by Tink
Sorry Elaine She just didn't want to hear it, did she? Kinda of like she's made up her mind she's done enough and that is that. I see what a dilemna that puts you in. I don't think I could do your work. Hugs for you..
Mostly the job is good and we do try to do our best to support and guide owners in the right direction should we feel that there is something wrong with their animals. As in all jobs though, there is always gonna be a down side...

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Elaine's Avatar
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27-05-2011, 11:11 PM   #7

Re: AQnother client and another crappy end to the week

Originally Posted by FarplaceRescue
Do you have a form for owners to sign when they leave cats in your care? Make sure the wording includes a clause that you will take the animal to the vet if it is deamed necessary, and the vet costs and transport costs will be met by the owner.
Yes we do, but the vet practice they are registered with insists on payment at the time of treatment, which is one of the reasons why I'd rather the daughter dealt with it.

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28-05-2011, 12:52 PM   #8

Re: AQnother client and another crappy end to the week

I agree the daughter should deal with it ... is she easier to talk to than her mother, can you get her on the cat's (and your) side?

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28-05-2011, 04:09 PM   #9

Re: AQnother client and another crappy end to the week

Either she's really in denial or doesn't care that much. How horrible for the poor old boy; Elaine, I couldn't do what you do ...... hope the daughter calls.

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28-05-2011, 04:59 PM   #10

Re: AQnother client and another crappy end to the week

Have been discussing the situation with the daughter on and off this afternoon. She told me that she had mantioned the cats weight loss to her mother several times and her mother just kept saying things like "he's old" and "he's eating well". I have tried to explain to the daughter about the cats suspected condition and how he might be feeling within himself. I also said, not wanting to be cheeky but her mother is of an older generation, one where old cats simply took themselves off to die but that it would have been an unpleasant death, just that the owner wasnt aware. Vets can do so much these days for animals and manage such conditions quite well.
The daughter called their vet and the earliest appt is tuesday evening, the daughter works and doesnt drive. I have offered to take the cat in on their behalf if she can call and get an earlier appt, like monday morning hopefully.
She said that she went round and the cat was purring away. She is going to stay with the cat tonight. I told her signs to look out for and that by her staying over, she might get a better indication as to how the cat is really.
I also explained to her that I was not trying to be pushy or nasty but it is my job to make sure that animals under my care are well and are seen by a vet if nessecary.
I cannt do any more until they say so.

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