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29-10-2011, 03:44 PM   #1

Sunflower Saturday

Hi all, from a cold gloomy Washington. A very unusual early snowstorm is here, in the City it's just a cold all day rain, but North and West they're getting snow, as much as 6 inches in some areas. Almost 10:45 AM and it's only 3℃ (37℉),quite a difference from the temps lately. NOT my weather, couldn't go out to pick Leia's grass So an indoors day, papers, crossword and computer.

Hope all are well and enjoying the weekend....

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29-10-2011, 04:03 PM   #2

Re: Sunflower Saturday

Hi Eileen, those to come...

Sorry to here about the inclement weather Eileen...

Over here, quietish day so far, will soon 'heat up' though. Cloud sleeping on my lap for the moment, but she'll hve to get up in the next half hour as I've a family do to go to, and will thus be heading to parents for 5...

Not sure I'm looking to going to a hotel for a meal with almost 40 other people, but... At least I do know most of them!!!

Have a good day all.

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29-10-2011, 05:07 PM   #3

Re: Sunflower Saturday

Hi Eileen, Squirrel. I had heard about the snowstorm that was expected in your area Eileen - it was last night on our weather report. I said at the time to my OH "Oh no, poor Eileen!" Rotten to get snow so very early, glad you are safe and warm and don't have to worry about your boiler this year - someone else's problem!

Good day here, laundry and housework. Pip definitely has taken to the do'nut bed, so I will be ordering a new one for Kizzy - can't have her left out, especially as it was HER'S to start with.

Last night's soup turned into fish, so it's broccoli soup tonight with a little bit of Stilton and crusty bread.

Hope you enjoy your meal out Squirrel - I know what you mean, but as you say you know most of the people it shouldn't be so bad.

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29-10-2011, 06:14 PM   #4

Re: Sunflower Saturday

Eileen, you can read our BBC News report of the snow approaching your east coast, here:


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29-10-2011, 06:34 PM   #5

Re: Sunflower Saturday

Thanks, Mags, always interesting to read your news from another country's slant. Quite unusual for snow this early; a lot of little kids may ne trick-or-treating Monday in snow boots if it stays cold enough that it doesn't melt!

Just the same old cold rain now; yes, it's lovely not to fret about the boiler, the possibility of another roof leak and shoveling the sidewalk!!

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29-10-2011, 07:05 PM   #6

Re: Sunflower Saturday

evening everyone,

Eileen, hope you dont get affected by the bad weather heading your way
Squirrel, i hope you enjoy your family get togetherAngie, glad to hear you had a productive day. Poor Kizzy, Pip stealing her bed.

We went out looking for the plug in air fresheners but with no luck. That kinda started off our day as i wanted to get a specific type of guppy fish but want male and female but couldnt get them so off to another few shops tomorrow to hopefully get them. Sitting relaxing tonight with OH and the monsters.

Hope you all have a good night

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29-10-2011, 07:38 PM   #7

Re: Sunflower Saturday

It's hovering right around 0℃ now so the rain is now heavy wet snowflakes; not sticking as the ground is too warm. It's odd to look out the window and see snowflakes swirling around the tree in full Autumn orange .....

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29-10-2011, 09:27 PM   #8

Re: Sunflower Saturday

If the ground weren't still warm I'd be worried at this storm: it's been snowing like mad for over 2 hours, starting to stick on the roof of the house across the way. I've tried to take pics, but my little Nikon can't capture the falling snow. I suppose there may be a setting in the menu, but have no real idea what to look for. Pity, because the contrast between the heavy snow and the trees in Autumn foliage is striking.

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29-10-2011, 09:38 PM   #9

Re: Sunflower Saturday

hope your ok eileen and that teh snow doesnt last where you are xx

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29-10-2011, 09:41 PM   #10

Re: Sunflower Saturday

Thanks, Pamela, I'm fine; sitting up on the 5th floor sipping a wine and looking at the snow falling and haven't a worry in the world!

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