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Elaine's Avatar
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15-08-2012, 08:31 AM   #1

Wet Wednesday

Morning all, misty and damp here this morning but very humid.
Hate to break it to you all but think I am now officially begining to go through the change, night sweats and flushes, oh the joy. Does that make me an old woman now then? Oh where did my youth go
G is taking a nap, or trying to atleast, think the animals have joined him while I scutter around.
Animals are all fine. Rayne has a touch of conjunctivitis and has drops which she hates. Bernie is still doing ok, must get him booked for a check up though. Milly is fatter than ever, am really going to have to do something about her weight but it's kind of hard when I am trying to make sure Bernie eats, being away at house sits and G being the way he is at the moment.
Other than that all is, well, it is what it is
Have a good day all xxx

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Shelley123's Avatar
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15-08-2012, 08:48 AM   #2

Re: Wet Wednesday

Morning Elaine and all to follow.
Your title has made me think I'd better get the dogs to the beach right now.At the moment it is lovely and sunny but not sure what will happen later, if it does rain where you are please could you keep it to yourself
Sorry to hear about the change and of course you are not old.Hope Graham gets something sorted soon.Hope Rayne's eyes clear up soon too and it's great to hear Bernie is doing ok.I'm sure Millie isn't fat, just big boned
One more day and then Howard is coming back, he is bringing my eldest son James and his fiancé Jade for the weekend.

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angieh's Avatar
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15-08-2012, 09:12 AM   #3

Re: Wet Wednesday

Morning Elaine, Shelley and those to come ..... gloomy here, rain threatening but very sticky and humid.

I sympathise Elaine, but no you are not old and I too hope that G is on the way to feeling better very soon. Glad to hear that Bernie is still doing OK, making sure that one cat eats more than the other; or that the other cat eats less is a nightmare! My Pip could do with losing a bit, but Kizzy I always feel needs to eat whenever she wants to .... Have you ever tried teabags for Rayne's eyes? Any sign of redness with Monty and we bring out the teabags, any excuse you know for a cuppa!

You sound as if you will be having a crowd in your 'van Shelley - I hope you enjoy it!

Our petsitter is coming around this afternoon for a final run down and hopefully we can find out if we've forgotten to tell her anything. I'm making notes!!! I think my OH is getting anxious now about Monty and how he will manage and not be a little g*t. The joys of going away - now I know why we don't do it as a rule.

Have a good day folks, hope the sun shines where you are.

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Shelley123's Avatar
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15-08-2012, 02:07 PM   #4

Re: Wet Wednesday

The rain is finally here, can't complain we've had a decent morning.
Went to the site laundry to iron a sun dress,I was there at least three quarters of an hour, not ironing just chatting to a lovely elderly gent whose wife has just broken her ankle so now he's having to take over the household tasks.
Cosy afternoon in I think.......

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pamela81's Avatar
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15-08-2012, 07:34 PM   #5

Re: Wet Wednesday

evening everyone,

Elaine, you are certainly not getting old!!
Angie, i do hope monty is good for the sitter
Shelley, bet your getting excited about Howard coming up

I went to work today and joined my new team. Was ok. Day didnt get off to the best starts as when i went to start my car today it wouldnt start due to me killing the battery on monday by leaving the door open. Luckily OH had left just before me and was still in the area and came and got me and took me to work.

relaxing tonight, are we quizzying tonight?

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Shelley123's Avatar
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15-08-2012, 08:14 PM   #6

Re: Wet Wednesday

Angie, hope you both enjoy the murder mystery weekend, sounds great.
Pamela glad you got the car started

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