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29-05-2015, 08:25 AM   #1

Friday daily

Morning everyone.

Hope foozy is feeling better

I'm at the vet waiting to drop barney off for his xrays and pick him up later. Bit apprehensive about the general anesthetic but I know he will be fine.

Got a few things to do for going away for a couple of nights next week whilst he is away.

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29-05-2015, 11:37 AM   #2

Re: Friday daily

Morning Pamela and everyone else. Good luck Barney, be a brave boy. Hugs and healing vibes to you and to TBF too.

Nasty weather here, very overcast and windy, blowing up for rain forecast for earlier but it hasn't arrived yet. I am going out in a while to meet some ex work friends for a pub lunch. I just thought I should be thinking about taking a sun hat and sun glasses, instead I'm putting on an extra fleece and wondering about having a hat in the car in case .... what's happening to our "summer"?

Hope everyone has a good day, whatever you're doing.

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cats' staff's Avatar
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29-05-2015, 12:13 PM   #3

Re: Friday daily

Hi, I hope Barney is OK Pamela. I had to take Cleo to he vet this morning as she developed a limp- she is 17 and increasingly frail as she doesn't have a great appetite so i was dreading finding she had broken something but he said no it was just a touch of arthritis and she probably jarred herself jumping off the bed. Cleo managed to pee n the cat carrier which soaked through a folded blanket and towel onto the car floor and then onto me when I put the carrier on my lap to keep her away from a curious dog!

It is cold and pouring down here! I'm back at home trying to get back to 'normal' after Mum's funeral on Wednesday. That went well with lots of people coming and enjoying food and drink and memories of Mum after the service.

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29-05-2015, 05:28 PM   #4

Re: Friday daily

Afternoon folks. Good luck to Barney and hope Cleo feels better soon.

Off and on cold and wet here. Brass band contests going on all over the valley, Whit Walks this morning. We are very lucky as our local brass band practices near us so we can hear our very own concert, they are very good. Had a bit of a slip up last night practising marching and playing but hopefully all will go well today.

We are getting intermittent bright sun but its not for long. Hope you enjoyed your lunch Angie. CS, a while ago I saw a picture on FB where someone had made a set of steps for their elderly dog to get on and off the bed! Fecto can just about manage but I can see me doing something similar for him in the future.

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29-05-2015, 08:34 PM   #5

Re: Friday daily

My sister has travelled to Saddleworth today to take part in the Whit Walks - she plays cornet so the marching is OK. I used to play e flat bass and couldn't march with that!

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29-05-2015, 10:40 PM   #6

Re: Friday daily

I've always had trouble just walking and talking, so I'd be no good trying to play an instrument. Those folks have my respect!

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