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Almost a Veteran Member
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19-09-2019, 07:18 AM   #1

My news.

Hi Pamela and any others who may be around. Hope everyone is well and all fur babies are doing great. Pamela, I think of Barney every day and I do hope he is getting on OK. Willow is now VERY slow in her walking but she can still get up and go outside to go to the toilet. She comes in and picks up a piece of washing from the couch, which she knows she isn't meant to have, and I have to go and get her a chicken neck before she lets it go. To tell the truth, I always leave an old piece of clothing on the couch just for her to pick up.She still guards by the security door every morning but she also sleeps a lot more than she used to. My vet will come back in a couple of weeks to give her another synovan injection and is going to do blood work on her. I really don't want her to, but she says it's worth it, so I'm going to let her. I've already refused it twice !!!

Frederick has been very sick. I'll post about that in the health forum.He's OK now but we were worried.Now I've got the real problem of trying to find a cat litter that they will all use. I have been using clumping litter but now don't know what to use. They won't use a gravel type litter as it hurts their paws. They are terrified of crystal type litters, and refuse to use any scented litters. I may have to go back to a hemp litter which i used when they were wee babies but it's so expensive (and I have 6 litter boxes !!!) Oh woe is me !!!

Anyway enough of that nonsense. My eyes are now a lot better after my second shingles attack. I've started reading again, but not for long as my eyes get really sore.

Pamela, I hope work is going well for you and that your kitties are well. I bet Harris is enjoying his time outside or maybe it's getting a bit cold for him now.We're having nice warm days here now but still have cold nights unfortunately.Still, Willow lies right up against me every night so I keep nice and warm.

I'll go and post in the Cat Health forum and tell you all about poor Frederick.

Have a great weekend everyone . Love to all fur babies and their guardians and a special tummy rub for Barney.

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19-09-2019, 08:16 PM   #2

Re: My news.

Hi Dinky, glad to hear your eyes are much better. I often think of you and your furbabies and check in to see if youhave an update.

I havent had a chance to read about Frederick, sorry to hear he hasnt been well

POor Willow slowing down, i am glad she is still mobile though and able to "steal" the clothing off the couch little rascal!! DOgs are great hotwater bottles!! I love when my 2 lay beside me on the couch. Skye is my hot water bottle at bed time as she wont sleep anywhere unless it is on me in some way!! Harris is still loving being outside!! very difficult to keep him in. We have to be watchful when we open any outside doors as he is guilty of sneaking by us and us not noticing!!

Barney has been poorly again this time it is some sort of irritation with his skin. He had sores on 3 paws through biting at them. The meds the vet gave us didnt work so he got a skin scrape done which showed nothing! The medicine they gave us after that have also not worked. He is back tomorrow again My poor boy has had aterrible few month

I am away to read about frederick xx

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20-09-2019, 07:51 AM   #3

Re: My news.

Pamela, I'm sorry that poor Barney is poorly again. Gosh, he is having a bad run, isn't he ? I do hope that your vet is able to find a solution quickly because it must be so irritating for him.I know that once dogs get a sore spot, they do tend to lick and bite at it and make it worse. Please let me know how he goes at the vet tomorrow. I will be thinking of him. I don't know how expensive your vets are but here in New Zealand, they're really expensive and pet insurance is a must.The after hours clinic where I took Frederick on Sunday night costs about $100 just to walk in the door. !!!
Frederick is not so great again today.. He is eating small amounts but has not been to the toilet again since Wednesday. I'm waiting to do that pooh-pooh dance that you mentioned when you were telling me about Harris, but it doesn't look as if i need to put on my dancing shoes for a while yet. He's been sleeping all day here in the lounge but at least is not trying to be sick or crying .Janna will sit up with him tonight in the lounge and watch him. I can't lock him in the bedroom with the other cats tonight. until I know he's able to go to the toilet again.

Lots and lots of luck with Barney tomorrow, Pamela. When you get a chance, do let me know how he is, and I'll let you know if I've been using my dancing shoes.!!!!!

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20-09-2019, 07:49 PM   #4

Re: My news.

aww dinky, i do hope frederick improves tonight and you can put on those dancing shoes!! please keep me updated on how he is. Thats good that Janna can help look after him with you. xx

The vet has no idea what is going on with him so has just given him more medication and no more visits for it unless it persists after 4more weeks. At a total loss just now.

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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
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21-09-2019, 04:21 AM   #5

Re: My news.

Oh heck Pamela, that's not so good. Poor Barney. You're going to have to watch him and try and stop him from biting at his paws, but I know that's easier said than done. Let's just hope that the medication works this time and offers him some relief.If ,at the end of the 4 weeks, he is no better, perhaps there might be some natural remedies you can try.I know there is someone here on trademe that makes a Stop Itch gel for dogs, so there's bound to be something where you are.I'm thinking of you and Barney and praying that he does find some relief.

No dancing shoes put on as yet but you'll be the first to know when I can use them. !!!And, Pamela, do let me know how Barney is getting on. I do worry about him.

it's a beautiful day here in Christchurch after 2 quakes late last night. Poor Willow was terrified.None today though, so far.I'm cleaning out my bottom kitchen cupboard and have come across a whole pile of mum's recipes that I didn't know I had.The young man who delivers my dog meat has just been with some nice beef steak and some bags of green tripe, which Willow adores, so must go and pop it in the freezer. Green tripe is not nice left out on a hot day, as you can imagine.

Enjoy your day, Pamela, and try not to worry. I'm sure that Barney will come right. He's a real trooper. it's just the waiting that's so hard. Give him a tummy rub from his admirer and friend in New Zealand, and tell him from me to LEAVE THOSE PAWS ALONE !!!!!

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