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16-12-2019, 10:59 PM   #1

Tinsel Tuesday

Hi everyone.
Tuesday morning here (although it's probably your Monday evening?) It's actually raining here today although it's meant to clear in the afternoon.Willow was a tiny bit sick on my bed last night so I've had to wash the blanket and sheets. Will hang them out when the rain stops.

Nothing much is going on with me, although my daughter found a beautiful string of black tipped with white tinsel in the free bin down the road, so we've got that on the tree and it actually looks really good.

Willow still isn't eating much and I'm continuing to force her pills into her. Sometimes if I bribe her with cheese, she'll eat a bit in order to get the cheese. She doesn't usually bring up what she eats - last night was the first time in ages.

Hope everyone has done all or most of their Christmas shopping and got their menus sorted for the big day.I'm still going with KFC this year for the first time ever

Rain has stopped so I'll go hang the washing out now.

Hope everyone is well and not too busy and all Catsey cats and dogs are eagerly anticipating opening their presents on Christmas day.

Have a great evening everyone.

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16-12-2019, 11:10 PM   #2

Re: Tinsel Tuesday

Hello Dinky - still Monday here. Haven’t posted much because it’s a bit boring to keep saying ‘still ill’. But that’s the case unfortunately. Have finished work for Christmas which is just as well as have been pretty much in bed for the last few days.

The cats have been lovely little cuddle bugs - well two out of 3 have.

Tomorrow I need to make an effort and get up and wash my hair and put my face on as need to take youngest to a play date as he’s broken up from school already. I shall wave from a distance as I drop him on the genuine pretext of not wanting to spread my germs.

Need to slowly start cleaning the house ready for the house sitter who comes on Sunday and writing down cat and house instructions.

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17-12-2019, 08:08 AM   #3

Re: Tinsel Tuesday

Morning Dinky and Yola and whoever follows

Sorry to hear that Wilow has been sick again Dinky, i have been hoping she would be getting better. YOur tinsel sounds nice. I have red and gold on mine this year. Went traditional because we have a real tree

Yola, hope you enjoy the play date. How old is your youngest? Thats great you have acat sitter who comes. We usually get OH's family to check in on ours of we are away as Harris cant take the stress of the cattery. I do hope you are feeling better especially before christmas.

I am off work today. Taking my car to get the second part of the work donwe on it, i was meant to be going christmas shopping with OH but plans have changed as he now has a telephone interview in the middle of the day!! Will go tonight i think instead.

I was out running last night with my club but it was an unofficial meet up as club has finished for the year. Was all runners who are a fe leves above me who were out but they were lovely and i always had someone running with me so i didnt get left in my own. The club is great for that

Hope everyone has a great day

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17-12-2019, 05:57 PM   #4

Re: Tinsel Tuesday

Good afternoon all.

All good here really good day at work too.

Walked Gert and then a bit of breakfast /lunch and then took her up the field for a good run came back and had to rinse her off muddier than I thought up there.

Dropped a few more card into neighbours.

Now sitting down with the Christmas tree lights on warm and cosy, and Gert snoring.

Dinky I think you should start the daily's when you post always coming in first rather than last. I totally love you Christmas day menu. Everyone thinks I should be going to them well they are all wrong I am saying put and walking Gert; cooking turkey dinner; watching what I want or reading books (Chrissy prezzies I hope) walking Gert popping out for couple of quick visits; eating a Christmas dinner; walking Gert and then eating Turkey stuffing and cranberry sauce sarnies.
I refuse to get into a routine or a habit I cannot break. I shall be a free spirit - responsible to no one but my dog.

Yola This bug or whatever it is quite virulent, at least you are getting over it and not going into it for Christmas.

Pamela How nice you can have running buddies you are doing well by the sounds of it. Well done you. Good luck Christmas shopping although I popped into Sainsburys and it was remarkably quiet. Sure it will all be change by the weekend. Madness in the aisles.LOL

A week today all will be done and Father Christmas will be moving all shopping done and dusted what's not brought will be not needed.

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17-12-2019, 06:16 PM   #5

Re: Tinsel Tuesday

Hello everyone.
Dinky, hope Willow starts to eat more, how worrying for you.
Yola, I hope you are soon feeling better.
Pamela, hope the car repairs aren't too expensive, just what you need before Christmas.
Kazz your Christmas plans sound good.
Off out for a meal tonight with 2 ex work friends.

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17-12-2019, 09:16 PM   #6

Re: Tinsel Tuesday

Shelley Hope you have a lovely evening.

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17-12-2019, 10:38 PM   #7

Re: Tinsel Tuesday

Kazz - thank you for the lovely Christmas card!

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