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Good afternoon all been to work another good day. Now home Gert has hurt her paw/shoulder/leg a bit of limping on and off could of been anything she goes crazy at times chasing her ball or just dashing about. Will monitor it hey ho. The life of a youngster. Pamela I am with you there sometimes I go out with work but depends on who its with. Enjoy your food shopping I do mine with a Christmas jumper on and smile a lot and wish people "Merry Christmas" as I go round and also to any staff member I see. Do you think your headache is related to needing glasses etc? mine was. |
Aww poor Gert I hope she is ok. Plenty of rest. I think it was due to the screen I was using yesterday as my prescription is the same. I like the way you do your shopping may need to try that. Looks like it's tomorrow we are going as I'm heading out for a run which wasn't planned and then we are going to see the new Jumanji movie tonight |
Evening Pamela, Kazz and anyone else. We have done our Christmas food shop but took an elderly gentleman out to do his shop which we do every Saturday, lovely couple , his wife is in a wheelchair and housebound at the moment. Afterwards we went to the health club for swimming, sauna etc. Indian takeaway this evening. Kazz, hope Gerts hurt bit improves. Pamela, enjoy the movie. |