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22-12-2019, 12:03 AM   #1

Sunday before Christmas.

Good morning Pamela, Kazz, Shelley and anyone else who may pop in.

PAMELA, sorry about your headache. Hope it has eased now. Good luck with your food shopping. Do you have much to buy? Hope Barney and Mia enjoy their walk today. Yes, we have enclosed dog parks in various locations throughout Christchurch which are great. I used to take Willow to one and we would meet up with a chef from the hospital who had a Sringer spaniel called Bella. Beautiful dog she was but her recall was terrible.Luckily Willow never left my side as she was too anxious.Enjoy that Jumanji movie tonight.

KAZZ,sorry to hear about Gert's paw/shoulder.It is hard to keep a playful dog still, I know. Hopefully it will leave her as quickly as it came.I would love to see you with your Christmas jumper on, speaking to people in the shops. It doesn't take much to smile at others, does it, and who knows, it might just make their day.

SHELLEY, lucky you ,finishing all your food shopping and helping that elderly man out too. Good for you.I bet you enjoyed that Indian takeaway and your time at the health club.How nice and relaxing after a busy day shopping.

My news. Yesterday i had a bad fall outside ,on the grass (fortunately). I had bare feet and was running over to the back fence and i just slipped in a patch of mud. Luckily I didn't hit my head but came down hard on my right shoulder which is now really bruised and swollen and I can't lift my right arm up. Tomorrow, if there's no improvement, I'll go down to the medical centre, but if I don't move it, it's OK. AND in case you're wondering, No,I was not drunk !!! I'm typing this with one hand, which ain't easy.

My sister just rang me from Melbourne this morning. Her cold is a lot better, she had a great flight over and she's about to hit the markets. !

I may be changing to Chinese instead of KFC for our Christmas day meal .My eldest daughter, Brenna, says that KFC doesn't agree with her as it's too greasy. I would have to get the Chinese dishes as late as possible on Christmas Eve though ,and don't know if it is safe to reheat them.Knowing my luck, we'll all get food poisoned.Anyway, sorry to ramble on.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

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22-12-2019, 09:44 AM   #2

Re: Sunday before Christmas.

Morning everyone.
Oh dear me Dinky, that's just what you need.
I would go to the medical centre and get yourself checked out.
Off to southport to do a bit more present shopping.

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22-12-2019, 10:32 AM   #3

Re: Sunday before Christmas.

Good Morning everyone.

Dinky Sorry you have hurt yourself, a nice bath or some sort of deep heat may help. Loving the change of menu but do all try not to poison yourselves.

Shelley What a lovely treat a curry and a health spa. Perfection.

Gert's foot whatever seems to have recovered so I have beaten her within an inch of her life for tricking me LOL

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22-12-2019, 10:35 AM   #4

Re: Sunday before Christmas.

Ekkkkkkkkkk its almost C H R I S T M A S

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