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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
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15-09-2020, 12:10 PM   #1

Windy Tuesday.

Good morning everyone.
It's Tuesday evening here and it's been a VERY windy day . Even now ,the wind is still howling , but it has eased a little.I actually managed to go out today to get the cats some flea treatment from the vet's. Miracle is starting to get bites on her again, despite being flea treated every 4 weeks and i still can't find a single flea on her, alive or dead. I really don't want her back on steroids if I can help it. I'm using Advantage on them all as it doesn't seem to irritate their eyes like some of the stronger smelling ones do, and Miracles poor eyes are extra sensitive anyway.The vet is still saying it's not a flea allergy but she doesn't know exactly what it is. Miracle's only had this problem since she was living rough down the road.

My leg does seem to be getting a bit better (touch wood) so I'm hoping to be able to go back to Tai Chi next week. I'm going to walk down to the local mall tomorrow morning to get a few things and I'll also walk back to see how my leg goes. If it's still painful after that, I'll make a doctor's appointment for Thursday and find out what's wrong. It's been going on long enough.

PAMELA, sounds as if you had a good weekend. Your dad must have enjoyed your company and I bet he was pleased to see Steven and those beers ! Hope your run went well last night.AND that camping trip sounds like fun. It will be something to look forward to.I hope you aren't working too hard and are able to relax a bit after work.

SHELLEY, I hope that you are also finding time to relax amid your busy work schedule. I wonder if you have been to see the baby swans since you've been back at home? They'll be getting quite big now. I do hope your friend, Eric, has calmed down a little.

Well ,it's now just after 11pm, so I'm off to bed.
Have a good Tuesday ,everyone, and may the sun shine for you all.

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Posts: 6,997
15-09-2020, 04:27 PM   #2

Re: Windy Tuesday.

Hello my friends,
Off work today as I had a chest consultation, went well.
I was in work yesterday and it's getting a bit easier.
I guess we all need pushing out of our comfort zones from time to time.
Pamela, your camping trip sounds good, it will no doubt do you good.
I hope your running club went well.
Dinky, yes I have seen the cygnets they are quite big now.
I rang Erik's care home and asked them to give him a message, we haven't heard anything back and Howard feels very hurt.
I hope your leg holds up for your shopping trip and you can get back to tai chi soon.
Poor Miracle, nothing worse than an itch.

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