Hi Shelley ,Pamela and anyone else who might pop in.
I managed to get down to the mall and get some groceries today but struggled a bit coming home so have made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow morning to see about my leg. I'm getting sick of limping around everywhere.Miracle is still itching but perhaps not as much. I combed her out but still can't find a single flea on her.I've got some Royal Canin cat biscuits arriving tomorrow, not the ones they love as they aren't being made anymore, but these are a close second according to the RC website.They have just been having cheap biscuits from the supermarket but as Snoddy and Betsey- May eat mainly dry food, I want to get them something better. The others I'm not so worried about as they love wet food as well as dry.
SHELLEY, glad your consultation went well yesterday. That must have been a relief.AND it's good that things are now less stressful at work for you.I bet the dogs enjoyed their walk in the sun today. Let's hope they didn't make your nice clean floors all muddy again.Poor Eric must still be quite bad if he hasn't got back in touch with you. I can understand that Howard will be feeling hurt after all he has done for him.Hopefully you'll hear from Eric soon. I'm pleased that the cygnets are all thriving. They must be looking really beautiful by now.
PAMELA, hope everything is going well for you and you're not working too hard.You've only got a couple more days of work and then you'll get to go on that camping trip with your friends.I bet you're looking forward to that.
Well everyone, have a great Wednesday. I'll let you know what the doctor says about my leg tomorrow.Hopefully it will be all good.
Love to all Catsey cats, dogs and their guardians.